Open day at the Central Institute for the pathology of archives and books

Publication date: 9/03/23

Last updated: 22/03/23

Open day icpal-saf

Friday 31 March 2023 from 14.30 to 17.00 the School of Higher Education and Study for Restorers of cultural heritage of the Central Institute for Archives and Book Pathology (ICPAL) opens its doors to aspiring students and presents its training offer.

The five-year course of study, equivalent to the LMR/02 master's degree - Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, enables the profession of Restorer of cultural heritage with reference to the professionalizing profile PFP 5:

Library and archival material. Paper and parchment artifacts. Photographic, film and digital material.

L'toAdmission to the School takes place by competition. 

The program for the day will be published shortly.

For information and subscriptions send an email to:

More information on the School website: