Orientation open day for ICR and OPD Higher Education Schools

Publication date: 4/04/22

Last updated: 23/01/23


The Schools of higher education and study of the Central Institute for Restoration (ICR) and Opificio delle Pietre Dure (OPD) they organize some open door meetings dedicated to aspiring student restorers of the 2022/2023 academic year. The days are meant to present the educational offer of the institutes, guide those interested in an orientation process and illustrate the admission tests of their respective schools.

ICR open day

The ICR offers two orientation days to all interested parties. There first day of guidance provides a online meeting, focused on the presentation of training courses while on the occasion of second day, which will take place Live event, it will be possible to visit the restoration laboratories, interact with students and teachers at work and receive valuable advice on how to become a restorer of cultural heritage.


ICR open day webpage: http://www.icr.beniculturali.it/pagina.cfm?usz=4&uid=182&idnew=861

Open day Opificio delle Pietre Dure

The Opificio delle Pietre Dure, on the other hand, organizes two meetings of your choice for orientation on the activities of the School of Advanced Training and study of the OPD which include: the illustration of the Study Plan and the admission tests with the teachers of the PFP 4 Course «Ceramic, glass, organic materials and artefacts. Materials and artifacts in metal and alloys».


  • 11 May 2022;
  • 25 May 2022.

The meetings will take place at the OPD headquarters in Florence in Via Alfani, 78.

The reservation Street e-mail to: opd.saf@beniculturali.it, With the'indication of the chosen day.

OPD open day webpage: http://www.opificiodellepietredure.it/index.php?it/21/news/814/open-days-safs-giornate-orientative-11-e-25-maggio-2022


For more information

ICR open day poster
OPD open day poster

Featured image: Central Institute for Restoration