The first National Plan for Education on Cultural Heritage has been published by the Directorate General for Education and Research, in agreement with the Superior Council for Cultural Heritage and Landscape.
Its predisposition aligns with the reform of the MIBACT and with the law 107 known as "Of the Good School", approved in July 2015.
The National Plan includes important innovations regarding the role of cultural heritage in the educational and cultural processes that involve all citizens.
The long-term objective is the creation of a heritage education system capable of involving a plurality of subjects, which translates into real forms of involvement in the management and protection of places of culture and in the acquisition of new and qualified knowledge, with mutual benefit for society and the heritage itself.
In the short and medium term, actions will be identified to support the construction of this system: interinstitutional agreements at national and local level, recognition of the consistency and management methods of the Educational Services present today in places of culture, training and updating of operators, activities and initiatives aimed at implementing the projects carried out in partnership with the school, including the development of programs and initiatives of consolidated experience aimed at different categories of audiences.
First National Plan for Cultural Heritage Education 2015-2016