PNRR, digitalisation of cultural heritage: the tender procedure worth over 1.2 million euros for the Central Institute for Graphics is online

Publication date: 30/05/24

Last updated: 31/05/24

Immagine avviso bando di gara digitalizzazione ICG 2024

The tender procedure of Phase 2 of the PNRR M1C3 1.1.5Digitization of cultural heritagesub-investment is online, intended to enrich, expand and organize the national digital cultural heritage. The digitization intervention is implemented by the Central Institute for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage – Digital Library of Ministero della cultura as part of the Next Generation EU Program. The tender is published by Invitalia as the sole purchasing body for the cultural heritage digitization projects envisaged by the PNRR.

The digitalization project

The objective of the project is to complete the digitization of the material stored at the Central Institute for graphics (ICG): a public collection of drawings (around 60,000), prints (around 150,000), engraved matrices (over 24,000), historical and art photographs (around 16,000) and artists' videos. The project, in addition to the digitization of the institute's materials during 2024, also involves the creation of a digital network for sharing with the Drawings and Prints Department of the Uffizi and that of Capodimonte.

In total, the acquisition of over 112,000 resources is therefore expected. Among these, approximately 50 works considered to be of particular historical-artistic interest will be digitized through very high resolution acquisitions, producing so-called "Gigapixel" images, capable of exceeding the vision capabilities of the human eye.

Each digital resource will be accompanied by metadata, which will allow it to be found within the national digital library, a long-term development objective within the PNRR.

The interventions already started, together with those that still need to be promoted, will contribute overall to achieving the European program target which envisages, by the end of 2025, 65 million digital resources published strong>and accessible through the Digital Library.

The tender procedure

La scadenza per la presentazione delle offerte è fissata per le ore 13:00 di mercoledì 3 luglio 2024.

All details are available on the platform: https://ingate.invitalia .it/esop/guest/go/opportunity/detail?opportunityId=12378

For further information, consult the dedicated page.