Presentation of the volumes "Horizons of accessibility" in the online event "1 Book: 1 Drawing"

Publication date: 19/06/24

Last updated: 1/07/24

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We would like to point out the presentation of the volumes Horizons of accessibility. Actions and processes for inclusive paths, dedicated to accessibility to cultural heritage and culture, on the occasion of the next appointment of the cycle of online meetings 1 Book: 1 Drawing, scheduled for June 28, 2024 starting at 17:00.

The series of online meetings includes the presentation and discussion of monographs published by professors, researchers and scholars belonging to the scientific disciplinary sector ICAR/17-Drawing. The initiative is promoted by the Italian Union of Design – UID.

During the event will be presented also two other volumes:

  • The space represented for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by FedOA-Federico II University Press
  • Visual Storytelling: 14 points of view by ListLab

How to participate

The initiative is open to everyone and it is possible to participate by connecting to Google Meet on the day and time of the event by entering the following code: kzy-nawx-rcr.

For more information check the the online page dedicated to the event.


Horizons of accessibility

The volumes Horizons of Accessibility. Actions and processes for inclusive paths, published in 2023, are part of the ASI-Architettura Società Innovazione for Roma TrE-Press series.

The publication aims to promote the activities, research and to monitor presence of the multidisciplinary community that has been formed around the study days organized at the Department of Architecture of the University of Roma Tre from 23 to 25 November 2022.

The two volumes compare research results, management policies, teaching experiences, good practices, and languages according to four transversal themes:

  • Access to knowledge through inclusive policies
  • The culture of design in the transformation of physical space
  • The use of technologies for fragility and the definition of multimedia languages
  • Comparing experiences for the construction of Communities of Practice (Étienne Wenger).

The two volumes are edited by Laura Farroni, Alessandra Carlini, Matteo Flavio Mancini. The Ministry of Culture and the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, are part of the Scientific Committee of the Series.

We inform you that the volumes are available in open access format at the following online page: