Presentation of the training offer of the Potenza Library Pole

Publication date: 4/09/23

Last updated: 5/09/23

Notizia incontro Polo bibliotecario Potenza

On Wednesday 6 September the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes participates in the meeting "The library as a learning space". The initiative, aimed at teachers and the entire educational community of the area, is promoted by the Pole Bibliotecario di Potenza in collaboration with the Regional School Office.

On this occasion, the new educational offer of the Library Polo will be presented, designed to
integrate the curricula of schools of all levels and offer a series of
services, intended as complementary tools to the school learning process.

The Library Polo offers students from Basilicata the opportunity to carry out many training activities such as guided tours, educational workshops, information literacy courses, courses for transversal skills and orientation and to use of the educational laboratory "La Fabbrica delle idee", the first and only FabLab set up in an Italian state library, where activities and courses related to coding are regularly held, to making, digital skills, educational robotics and creative learning.

Speakers include Andrea De Pasquale, Director General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture and Marina Di Berardo, DG Education, Research and Cultural Institutes officer, Service I - Studies office – Center for educational services of the MiC.

The meeting will be broadcast live on the Facebook page of the Polo Bibliotecario di Potenza.

Press release
