Honorary Inspectors

Last updated: 7/06/24


The figure of the Honorary Inspector was provided for by the Law n. 386 dated 27 July 1907, subsequently amended in articles 47-53 with Royal Decree of 31 December 1923, n. 3164, and has the task of assisting Superintendents in the safeguarding and conservation of monuments, archaeological excavations, and objects of antiquity and art, and supervising and operating in the interest of the State and national culture, denouncing any abuses and seeing that laws are obeyed. Honorary Inspectors are obligated to fulfil all duties entrusted to them by the Superintendents with jurisdiction over subject matter and territory. They work in their area of responsibility at no cost. Their appointment is at the discretion of the Administration.


The position of Honorary Inspector lasts for three years, subject to the issuance of a ministerial decree upon the application of the interested party, to be presented to the Superintendent for Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape responsible for the area, accompanied by the following documentation:

– curriculum vitae e studiorum;

– 2 passport-sized photographs, one notarised;

– authorisation to process personal data in accordance with D.Lgs. 196/2003 et seq.

The Superintendent proceeds with the investigation by ascertaining whether requirements are met (citizenship, possession of civil and political rights, absence of criminal convictions, pending criminal proceedings that prevent, pursuant to the relevant provisions in force, the establishment of an employment relationship with the Public Administration, and of criminal convictions, even with a sentence that is not final, for offences provided for in Chapter I of Title II of the second book of the Penal Code, pursuant to art. 35 bis D.Lgs. 165/01, no exclusion from the active political electorate, no disqualification/dismissal from employment in public administration), communicates its assessments to the Regional Secretariat responsible for formulating the proposal for appointment or renewal to the Directorate General for Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape, which issues the decree and, subsequently, transmits the data to the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes to update the directory.

Elenco ispettori onorari (aggiornamento al 9.01.2024)

Elenco ispettori archivistici onorari (aggiornamento al 7.06.2024)

Regulatory References

art. 15, paragraph 2, letter s), DPCM 2 December 2019, n. 169

ROYAL DECREE 31 December 1923, n. 3164

articles from 47 to 53, law n. 386 dated 27 July 1907

circular of the Directorate General for Education and Research n. 46 dated 3 September 2015

circular of the Secretariate General n. 289 dated 28 November 2008