Accreditation of Restoration Schools

Last updated: 18/10/23

Restoration teaching is provided by MiC’s higher education and study schools, universities, Fine Arts Academies, and other public and private entities, provided they are accredited by the State.

Specifically, the Ministerial decree n.87/2009 dictates that the training of restorers of cultural heritage must be structured in a single-cycle course, organised into 300 training credits, corresponding to university educational credits (CFU), which can be accessed with the possession of a second-level high school diploma.

The same decree lays out methods of accreditation, the minimum organizational and operational requirements of educational institutions, the methods of supervision of how educational activities and the final exam are conducted, qualifying and having the value of a State exam, the academic title issued following the passing of said exam and the characteristics of the teaching staff.

Technical Commission for preliminary activities to accredit educational institutions and for the supervision of restoration training

The Commission was established with the Inter-ministerial MiBAC-MIUR decree dated 7 February 2011. It took up its duties on 18 February 2011 in Rome at the Institute for Conservation and Restoration (now Central Institute for Restoration), according to the pro of DM 26/05/2009, n. 87 art.5 (implementing article 29 of the DLGS 42/2004, paragraphs 8 and 9). The current commission was appointed through the MiC-MUR decree dated 30 December 2021, n.480.

The Commission is made up of 11 members and a president designated by both ministries.

The Commission established the Requirements for the accreditation of educational institutions and for obtaining an opinion of compliance and arrangements for assessment and supervision through periodic visits.

Current Commission

President: Dr. Caterina Bon di Valsassina e Madrisio

Members representing MiC:

Dr. Carla Bertorello
Dr. Francesca Capanna
Dr. Marco Ciatti
Alessandra Marino, Architect
Dr. Maria Letizia Sebastiani

Members representing MUR:
Prof. Piergiulio Cappelletti
Prof. Andrea Pane

Member designated by the CUN:
Prof. Renata Prescia
Member designated by the ANVUR:
Dr. Giuseppe Carci
Member designated pursuant to article 5, paragraph 2, letter f), of the Inter-ministerial decree 26 May 2009, n. 87:
Prof. Cesare Feiffer

Technical Office

Simona Pannuzi    

Antonella Di Giovanni

Stefano Ferrari      

Useful Documents

MIC-MUR Decree Accreditation Commission for restoration

Elenco istituzioni accreditate (ottobre 2023)

Requirements for the accreditation of educational institutions and for obtaining an opinion of compliance

Accreditation Commission Integration Decree 22 March 2017

Accreditation Commission Appointment Decree 21 September 2016

Inter-ministerial decree 7 February 2011

NOTICE of 18 April 2011 Session

Regulatory References

DM 26/05/2009, n. 87 art.5

D.M. 2 March 2011 “Definition of the single-cycle Master’s degree class in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage – LMR/02″

Inter-ministerial decree 30 December 2010 n. 302 “Establishment of a five-year, second-level academic diploma course qualifying the recipient for the profession of “cultural heritage restorer”

DM 25 August 2014 Course Activation LMR02 at ICR, OPD and ICPAL