Cultural Heritage Restoration Technicians

Last updated: 20/03/24

Professional figure

A restoration technician of movable cultural heritage and decorated surfaces of architectural heritage is a professional figure that collaborates with restorers by carrying out, with decision-making autonomy strictly pertaining to his or her technical competences, certain direct and indirect actions to limit the degradation of assets to ensure their conservation – operations he or she guarantees the correct execution of based on methodological and operational directions, under the direction and direct control of the restorer. This figure is responsible for the care of the working environment and equipment, takes care of the preparation of materials necessary for the intervention actions, according to the methodological indications of the restorer. (Art.2 c.1 D.M. 26 May 2009, n. 86)

The qualification of ‘collaborative restorer of cultural heritage’, acquired in accordance with article 182 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (D.lgs 42/20014), corresponds to the professional profile referred to in this article. (Art.2 c.3 D.M. 26 May 2009, n. 86)


Il percorso formativo che dà accesso alla qualifica, e quindi all’inserimento nell’elenco, è stato stabilito dall’Accordo Stato-Regioni del 25 luglio 2012 per la definizione dello “Standard formativo e professionale del Tecnico del restauro di cui l’art. 2, comma 2 del dm 26 maggio 2009, n. 86” integrato dal successivo Accordo Stato-Regioni del 7 marzo 2024. Tale accordo, nell’Allegato B, definisce così i soggetti formatori:

Training courses are provided by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano directly or through accredited entities, in accordance with the model pursuant to the State-Region and Autonomous Provinces Agreement dated 3/20/2008, and/or through entities specifically authorized under the provisions adopted by each Region or Autonomous Province. The above-mentioned accredited and/or authorised entities, in possession of the necessary requirements, execute the certification process in compliance with the provisions of the ”Agreement pursuant to article 4 of the legislative decree 28 August 1997, n. 281, between the Government, Regions, and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano for the definition of a National System of certification for skills acquired in apprenticeship under article 6 of the legislative decree 14 September 2011, n. 167″, adopted in the session dated 19 April 2012, rep. Acts n. 96, thus ensuring the public nature of the final certification.

Accredited and/or authorised courses must be three-year courses and total at least 2700 hours.

Directory: consultation and enrolment

L’elenco dei tecnici del restauro è consultabile sul portale dei Professionisti di Beni Culturali at the address:

Coloro i quali si trovano nelle condizioni di poter essere inseriti nell’elenco dei Tecnici del restauro di beni culturali possono fare domanda al seguente indirizzo:

Inclusion is not automatic, but involves an application verification to ensure that the title meets regulatory requirements.

Even for those already listed, by registering for the portal, it is possible to:

  • express consent to the publication of the professional’s fiscal code;
  • register and post the professional’s email address;
  • indicate the regions where the professional activity is performed;
  • download a certificate attesting listing (feature not yet active);
  • request deletion of personal data under article 17 of the GDPR.
Regulatory References

articles 29, paragraphs 7 and 10, and 182, paragraph 1-octies, of the legislative decree 22 January 2004, n. 42 (Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape);;

articles 2 and 3 of the ministerial decree 26 May 2009, n. 86 “Regulations concerning the definition of competence profiles for restorers and other workers carrying out activities complementary to restoration, or other activities of conservation of movable cultural heritage and decorated surfaces of architectural heritage, pursuant to article 29, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree 22 January 2004, n. 42, containing the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape.";

State-Region Agreement dated 25 July 2012 rep. n. 165 on the document “Training and professional standards for restoration technicians referred to in article 2, paragraph 2, of the ministerial decree dated 26 May 2009, n. 86”

Accordo Stato Regioni del 7 marzo 2024 in merito al “Riconoscimento dei crediti di frequenza per i corsi di tecnico del restauro di beni culturali” integrativo dell’Accordo del 25 luglio 2012 n.165


DDG n.44 dated 23 February 2021

DDG n.216 dated 10 December 2020

DDG n.102 dated 29 September 2020

DDG n.37 dated 9 July 2020

DDG n.53 dated 3 April 2020

DDG n.1 dated 20 January 2020

DDG n.126 dated 26 November 2019

DDG n.103 dated 17 September 2019

DDG n.81 dated 11 July 2019

DDG n.36 dated 30 May 2019

DDG n.21 dated 18 April 2019

DDG n.17 dated 26 March 2019

DD 3 January 2017

DD 14 September 2016

DD 23 March 2016

Useful Documents

Guide to cultural heritage professions identified in article 9 bis of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, July 2021 (PDF)