Suitability tests to acquire the qualification of Restorer of cultural heritage

Publication date: 18/06/24

Last updated: 19/06/24

Avviso prova idoneità restauratori

It was published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale – Competitions and Exams n. 48 of 06/14/2024 the Announcement of the suitability tests with the value of a qualifying state exam, aimed at obtaining the qualification of restorer of cultural heritage, in implementation of article 182, paragraph 1-quinquies, of the legislative decree of 22 January 2004, n. 42 (Code of cultural heritage and landscape).

Those who are in possession of:

  • qualification of collaborator restorer/technician for the restoration of cultural heritage obtained by participating in the public tender for the acquisition of the qualification of collaborator restorer of cultural heritage - restoration technician of 11 September 2014 (pursuant to art. .182, paragraph 1-sexies, of the Code)
  • or certain qualifications, obtained on 30 June 2012 or by 31 December 2014 for those enrolled in the relevant courses on the date of 30 June 2012 (deadline provided for by article 182, paragraph 1-ter, of the Code), as specified in the art. 2, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Notice.

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