Italia Nostra Association seminar "Heritage, landscape, environment"

Publication date: 18/05/23

Last updated: 18/05/23

The General Directorate for Education, research and cultural Institutes participates with the SED Centre for Educational Services to the national seminar Heritage, landscape, environment. Reflections for continuous training  about protection, enhancement and sustainability, organized by Italia Nostra Association on 1 May 19 and 20, 2023 at the National Headquarters in Rome in viale Liegi 33.

On May 19, after the institutional greetings, the heads of the Sed, Dr. Marina Di Berardo and Dr. Susanna Occorsio, at 3.30 pm speak on the theme "Cultural citizenship and active heritage. The awareness of the present in the educational paths of the MiC".

The seminar is reserved for EDU representatives and Italia Nostra teachers, an institution accredited by the Ministry of Education, and is valid for the purposes of compulsory training.

The event will also be broadcast live on YouTube Italia Nostra channel at the following links

Live May 19, 2023 - from 3 pm

Live May 20, 2023 - from 9:30 am

Live May 20, 2023 - from 2:30 pm

Discover the complete program