Three-Year Table – FAQ

Last updated: 14/04/23

To fill in the three-year contribution application in accordance with Article 1 of Law 534/96 it is required to access the Cultural Institutes platform with SPID, which can be reached at

Before filling in the application compiling the user profile is required. The user profile contains information required for all calls managed by DGERIC and specific attachments for the three-year table.

Only after completing the profile, the user can access the application, by clicking the "go to fill out the application" button or by returning to the home page and selecting the call "em>2023-Cultural Institutes – art. 1 Law 534/1996">/em>.

Once you have entered the application, each section of which it is composed must be completed in full, in order to access the following sections. The system indicates with a green check mark that the section has been filled in correctly.

It is recommended to fill out the application as soon as possible, in order to allow a distributed flow over the time frame of the opening of the call and avoid any problem just before the deadline.

Yes, the User Profile is unique, but additional specific sections are also required to apply for the three-year contribution.

No, it is not possible, because the request for notice is nominal. The portal does not allow you to associate the same SPID to multiple entities, because SPID is a strictly personal digital identity. If a user is the legal representative of several entities, he may delegate another person to access the platform through his SPID only for filling in the application, inserting the proxy in free form in the appropriate section of the portal. The application in any case must be digitally signed only and exclusively by the legal representative.

It is strongly recommended to post the link to reach the Transparent Administration section of the Cultural Institute where to find the budget and any other required documentation. Only on a residual basis is it possible to attach the document (budget and others).

Access problems may result from the information stored by the browser while browsing. In order to correct any recurring errors, we suggest cleaning the cache by clicking CTRL + F5 combination or through the settings of the search engine used.

Once the draft application has been completed in all its mandatory fields, a banner will appear with the words "Application completed! The application is complete. All required fields have been entered. Now you can submit your application." At this point you will need to click on "Back to application management" and then on "Send" button, located at the top right of the menu bar. After selecting the "Send" option, you will need to generate the print of the form in PDF format, sign it and upload the appropriately signed file to the appropriate section.

Once you have downloaded the PDF of the application you will need to digitally sign it in PAdES format (and not CAdES, since the portal does not accept files with the extension .p7m).

Per accedere alle domande parzialmente compilate (in stato di bozza) è necessario, dopo aver effettuato il login, scorrere l’homepage verso il basso e, sotto al riquadro per le FAQ, selezionare, cliccando su “Visualizza dettaglio”, la domanda che si intende completare. Una volta entrato nel dettaglio della domanda, per riprendere la compilazione dovrà cliccare sul pulsante “Modifica”, posizionato in alto a destra nella barra del menù.