On 16 June, the Directorate-General for Education, Research of Cultural Institutes and the Center for Educational Services will participate in the XXI National Forum on Distance Support at the ANCI headquarters in Rome. The event is organized by ForumSad, a permanent forum for Long Distance Sponsorship, an organization born from the need to enhance organizations involved in the sector.
The main speeches of the day will be:
- Distance Sponsorship in international cooperation and in the social policies of our country: principles, guidelines, co-programming
- Proximity support in the cultural and social growth of our country
- Experiences of the associations of the project "Distance Support in restarting Italy contrasts the new forms of poverty and promotes social cohesion and generative welfare"
- Building Solidarity Educating Communities
Elisabetta Borgia, Marina Di Berardo and Susanna Occorsio of DGERIC will intervene at the Forum, with a contribution relating to cultural heritage as a community heritage.
Distance support allows you to connect people who are distant geographically, culturally, economically and generationally, promoting, together with inclusive international cooperation policies, the active role of citizens and heritage in combating exclusion and social hardship.
For more information, see the dedicated page Forum.
Press release
Programma 16 giugno 2023
Programma 17 giugno 2023