Training Days on Equal Opportunities and Countering Discrimination

The Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Organisation and the Committee for the Guarantee of equal opportunities, workers' well-being and anti-discrimination, is organising two training days: “Gendered language, equal opportunity, and countering gender-based violence” and “Countering discrimination and bullying in the workplace”.
During the two training days, participants will go over the relevant frameworks and regulations on equal opportunities for workers and contrasting workplace discrimination, and explore issues, initiatives and best practices. The days are intended for all MiC personnel.
Training Day “Gendered language, equal opportunity, and countering gender-based violence”
Topics covered:
- Why gendered language? The cultural origins of discrimination against women;
- The role of gendered language in combating discrimination and violence;
- The words of equality: the EIGE Glossary and Thesaurus and the political role of language;
- The Istanbul Convention;
- Initiatives and best practices.
Giornata del 4 aprile 2022 in diretta and dal 6 aprile al 6 giugno 2022 on demand, fruibile sulla Piattaforma MOODLE del MiC.
Training Day “Countering discrimination and bullying in the workplace”
Topics covered:
- Workplace discrimination. Definitions and background. Regulatory and legal evolution;
- “Workplace bullying” – identification of the phenomenon in Italy and around the world. Effects. Sexual bullying. Distinction from other predatory behaviours. The 7 parameters defined by the Supreme Court. Supranational and national regulations and obligations to protect health in the workplace;
- The possible criminal relevance of conduct. Damages and compensatory protection. Case studies;
- Prevention and tools to protect health and well-being.
Giornata del 12 aprile 2022 in diretta and dal 19 aprile al 20 giugno 2022 on demand, fruibile sulla Piattaforma MOODLE del MiC.
Target audience
Ministry of Culture's staff
How to enrol
There are two separate enrolment applications for the training days on the MiC Course Portal:
Enrolment is open from 15 March to 22 March 2022.
For more information
Circular DG-ERIC n.13 dated 15/03/2022
Circular DG-ERIC n. 12 dated 14/03/2022 (circular annulled and replaced)
Moodle Platform Instructions for Use - 4 April 2022
Moodle Platform Instructions for Use - 12 April 2022