Open day at the School of Higher Education and Study Opificio delle pietre dure

immagine con testo OPD open day

Description of the event

The School of Higher Education and Study for Restorers of cultural heritage dell’Opificio delle pietre dure (OPD) apre le porte agli aspiranti allievi e presenta la propria offerta formativa il 13 aprile e il 5 maggio, dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 13:00 presso il Salone Polivalente in via degli Alfani 78, Firenze.

The five-year course of study, equivalent to the LMR/02 master's degree - Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, enables the profession of Restorer of cultural heritage with reference to the professionalizing profile FPF1:

Stone materials and derivatives and decorated architectural surfaces.

During the meetings the courses topics will be illustrated, both the theoretical and practical tests will be explained and the restoration laboratories will be visited.

More information on the OPD website at the online page