It is announced that, on 23 March, the Minister for Public Administration published the Directive on training which aims to develop the skills necessary to face the challenges of innovation, starting from the digital one.
The objective of the Directive is to promote the planning of an innovative training offer, based on the development of skills capable of supporting the digital, ecological and administrative transition of the public administration, according to the provisions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
The training courses are provided through Syllabus, the new training portal, which offers civil servants personalized training, in e-learning mode, starting from a structured and homogeneous survey of training needs.
Please note that administrations will have to register on the Syllabus platform by 30 June 2023 and proceed to:
- indicate the name of your training manager (or his contact person)
- enable employees to participate in training activities
Each MiC Institute, which has not yet done so, will therefore have to join the Syllabus, registering autonomously by 30 June this year at the following link: Administration registration – Syllabus. Subsequently, each Institute will have to register its employees on the platform to allow them to access the training courses.
Administrations that have already subscribed to the training offer of the Department of Public Administration on digital skills by 28 February 2023, must ensure the achievement of the same result, envisaged for the current year, by 30 September 2023. It is guaranteed that all the training course already carried out by learners on the previous "Digital skills for the PA" platform is available on the new Syllabus portal.
Finally, we inform you that a new cycle of webinars dedicated to illustrating the Minister's Directive "Planning of the training and development of skills functional to the digital, ecological and administrative transition promoted by the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience” and to present the new Syllabus portal. Registration by 12 June at 9.30 am, subject to exhaustion of the maximum virtual capacity, for all human resources managers, training and digital transition managers of all public administrations - central, regional and local – and all civil servants in general. For more information and to register for the training course click here:
http:// eventipa.formez.it/node/432874
Read the information for further details: