Opening of the call for annual contributions to cultural institutions

Publication date: 4/01/24

Last updated: 5/01/24

Avviso contributi annuali alle istituzioni culturali anno 2024

It is possible to submit applications for the admission to the annual contributions until 31 January 2024, provided by the article 8 , law n. 534 dating 17 October 1996, “New rules for the provision of state contributions to cultural institutions”.

The cultural institutions admitted must have the following requirements as specified in the previous law:

  • continuous activities for three years
  • high quality cultural activities and services
  • promotion of the research, editorial productions and cultural activities
  • suitable equipment for cultural activities

The institutes admitted in the "Three-year Table" (2024-2026) pursuant to art. 1 are excluded from the present contribution.

How to submitting the application, the criteria for evaluating the cultural institutes to assigning the contribution are specified in circular no. 50 of 23 November 2022 "Rules for admission to state contributions provided for by article 8 of law 17 October 1996, n. 534.

The application must be submitted from 1 to 31 January 2024 only by the web portal of the Ministry of Culture - Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes - Service II, accessible at: The registration on the web portal is possible exclusively via SPID (public system of digital identity) or CIE (electronic identity card).

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