“Strade Maestre": meeting for the presentation of the educational project

Logo progetto Strade Maestre

Description of the event

The Centre for Educational Services (Sed) of the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes participates in the meeting dedicated to the presentation of Strade Maestre, an educational project focused on the development of an itinerant school year. The event, organized by the Department of Human and Health Sciences of the University of Rome "Foro Italico", will take place on Friday, February 23, 2024 at the Sala Rossa of the Polo Natatorio del Foro Italico, and is open to all people interested, in particular teachers and students.

Strade Maestre – the project

Strade Maestre is aimed at young people in the third or fourth grade of secondary school, from all over Italy who intend to carry out a school year on the road, following a route of over a thousand kilometers through Italy, alternating days of walking with residential periods, thanks to the support of guides-teachers.

More information, on the online page of the meeting.

Fill out the online form to join the meeting.