“Edulands” Erasmus+ project: the Sed joins the final conference

Progetto Erasmus+ Edulands: card conferenza finale Politecnico di Milano

Description of the event

The Centre for Educational Services (Sed) of the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes will join the final conference of the Erasmus+ Edulands project (2021-23), which will take place on February 26-27 , 2024 at Politecnico Università di Milano.

Edulands was created for developing new methodologies and tools to promote an educational change for social and environmental transition . The project has activated an interdisciplinary co-design process capable of empowering young people, fostering their sense of belonging to places and promoting an active and responsible citizenship, even in vulnerable contexts.

The conference represents the final phase of the research in which the experience and the results achieved will be presented, including practical and digital teaching tools prepared during the course. The seminar is open to teachers, scholars, artists and educators and includes workshops on the co-design of educational paths.

For more information, check the online page.