Dicolab. Cultura al digitale. MOOC – Digitizing cultural heritage

Dicolab. Cultura al digitale

Course description

As part of the digital skills training and updating project Dicolab. Cultura al digitale, promoted by the MiC - Digital Library, la Direzione generale Educazione ricerca e istituti culturali and the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali propose a MOOC entitled Digitalizzare il patrimonio culturale, divided into four modules, lasting one hour, each with a focus on a specific aspect of the digitization process, having as reference the Lines guide for the digitization of cultural heritage of the National Digitization Plan.

Target audience

The MOOC is aimed at all MiC staff. 

Enrolment and use

Registrations are open from 17 April to 7 May 2024 exclusively on MiC courses portal.

Please note that access to the authorization procedure by the Director on the course portal is possible until 10 May 2024.

Both courses will be available exclusively in asynchronous mode (on demand) starting fromMay 20, 2024, on E-learning platform of the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali, for all those registered and authorized on the Course Portal.

The training initiative is part of the actions defined by the MiC in the framework of the PNRR Culture 4.0, Investment 1.1 "Digital strategies and platforms for cultural heritage", Mission 1, Component 3. The program is financed by the European Union-Next Generation EU with resources from the sub-investment 1.1.6 "Training and improvement of digital skills", of which the Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Scienze Culturali is the implementing body.