The MiC participates in the Ferrara 2024 International Restoration Exhibition

Publication date: 14/05/24

Last updated: 14/05/24

Salone del restauro di Ferrara card 2024

The Ministry of Culture participates in the XXIX edition of theInternational Restoration Exhibition of Ferrara at Ferrara Expo – Exhibition center which will take place from 15 to 17 May 2024.

The show is among the main events in the international trade fair scene dedicated to the economy, conservation, technologies and enhancement of cultural and environmental assets. The ministry will be present with a dedicated stand in Pavilion 3 and through numerous scheduled interventions, educational workshops, workshops , seminars, round tables organized by MiC institutes, such as Istituto Centrale per il Restauro and the Opificio delle pietre dure, as well as museums , superintendencies, general directorates and state archives.

The themes and main events of the MiC

The MiC experts will present to the public the activities related to the protection and conservation of the Italian heritage in particular on three specific focuses:

  • technologies and innovation in the restoration sector
  • educational initiatives and training on the topics of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage
  • projects and actions for improving environmental sustainability in the restoration sector and oriented towards the use of "green" technologies

With reference to this last theme, we would like to point out that on Wednesday 15 May the conference The Horizon Europe GREENART – GREen ENdeavor in Art ResToration project, promoted by the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Chieti and Pescara. The meeting will be an opportunity to illustrate the results achieved so far in the study and development of innovative and "green" materials for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

Furthermore, we would like to highlight the presentation of the main restoration interventions in the cultural sites of the Ministry, including two appointments on the restoration sites of the large archaeological parks, such as Pompeii and the Colosseum , scheduled for 16 and 17 May respectively.

Finally, in the institutional space there will be: the Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale (TPC); the Istituto centrale per il restauro (ICR); Ales S.p.A. with the Art Bonus; the Segretariato Regionale of Emilia Romagna which will show the post-flood interventions of May 2023. 

Interventions carried out by ICR and OPD

On Friday 17 May the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro is offering two meetings to present its master's degree courses in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage and some research projects, such as those on the Cervus elaphus rianensis “Riano I” skull, on the work Sternenfall by Anselm Kiefer and on the mosaic of Montescaglioso (MT).

For more information on ICR initiatives, consult the dedicated page .

TheOpificio delle Pietre Dure will intervene on16 and 17 May presenting three restoration projects: the restoration of the Grotta Pavese, in Genoa, that of the Battaglia di Roncisvalle by the Bargello and the new studies on the technique by Luca Giordano of the Medici Riccardi.

Also scheduled for Friday 17th is a workshop on the higher education school, followed by a workshop on the related entrance tests, with simulation of a practical test. 

For OPD initiatives, consult relative page.

Information on MiC appointments

For further information and to know the complete program of events organized by the MiC, you can consult program.

MiC press release