The 2021-2027 programming cycle in the context of development and cohesion policies: modules 3 and 4

ll ciclo di programmazione 2021-2027 nell’ambito delle politiche di sviluppo e coesione

Course description

As part of the Programma Nazionale (PN) Cultura 2021-2027, the Piano di Rigenerazione Amministrativa (PRigA) was adopted which defines a set of actions aimed at strengthening of administrative and institutional capacityin the relevant sectors of intervention, including staff training

In this context, the Autorità di Gestione del PN FESR Cultura 2021-2027 of the MiC, in collaboration with theDirezione generale Educazione ricerca e istituti culturali, has defined a training plan for the two-year period 2024-2025 entitled The 2021-2027 programming cycle in the context of development and cohesion policies: elements for process management and control.

The plan is made up of 13 modules, divided into 23 teaching units, for a total of 160 hours of training.

The new modules planned

Modulo 3 – La conclusione del ciclo di programmazione comunitaria 2014-2020

Module 3 illustrates the rules and obligations for the closure of the Culture and Development PON 2014-2020.
It consists of two teaching units (UD 4 and UD 5):

  • Didactic unit 4 The closing activities (on the closure of the 2014-2020 Programme);
  • Teaching unit 5 Income-generating projects (on revenue-generating projects).

Modulo 4 – L’approccio metodologico nelle azioni di semplificazione

  • Unità didattica 6 Opzioni Semplificate in materie di Costi (OSC) (sulle evoluzioni normative intercorse tra i cicli di programmazione 2014-2020 e 2021-2027, sui vantaggi dell’applicazione delle OSC e sulle modalità di notifica e rendicontazione della spesa alla Commissione europea).

Target audience

The training course is aimed at managers and staff of the Officials Area and Assistant Area who operate in the context of community and national cohesion policies. The courses are also aimed at Ales S.p.A. staff and collaborators who carry out their activities at the Ministero della Cultura.

How to register and use the first two modules

Registrations are open from 5 to 21 June 2024 exclusively on MiC course portal.
Please note that there are two distinct registrations for the respective modules.

Access to the authorization procedure by the Director on the course portal is possible until 25 June 2024.

I primi due moduli del percorso formativo, che corrispondono alle prime tre unità didattiche, saranno fruibili in on demand (on demand) dal 28 giugno al 27 settembre 2024 on the nuova piattaforma E-lea of the Ministry of Culture.