![Logo Università degli Studi della Campania Vanvitelli](https://dgeric.cultura.gov.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Logo-Universita-degli-Studi-della-Campania-Vanvitelli.jpeg)
We would like to report the first-level master's degree in Science, Technology and Digital Enhancement of Archival and Book Documentation of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli – Department of Political Science, promoted by the COSME (Observatory Center on Southern Europe), the Interdepartmental Research Center of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, the Fondazione Banco Napoli and the Genera Directoratel for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture.
Il master risponde all’obiettivo di formare figure professionali in grado di razionalizzare i processi inerenti alla gestione e alla valorizzazione documentale e libraria, utilizzando al meglio le potenzialità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie informatiche. Finalità ultima del percorso formativo è infatti quella di aggiornare le competenze inerenti alla gestione della produzione documentaria e libraria cartacea di enti pubblici e privati con l’obiettivo di erogare servizi più rapidi ed efficienti, in linea con i recenti piani di investimento e valorizzazione digitale nazionali ed europei.
Main subjects of the course
- Elements of thematic management of digital data of archives, libraries and places of culture
- Elements of archival and book sciences
- Technologies for the communication and digital enhancement of sources
- Description of the sources, description and enhancement of archival and book documents on a digital platform
- Accessibility to cultural resources on the web and support for research activities by experts in the field of Cultural Heritage
- Study of the different tools of knowledge organization: taxonomies, metadata, thesauris and ontologies
- Study of ontological models and semantic techniques for the representation of information related to cultural heritage in the semantic web
- Construction of domain ontologies, semantic annotation of digital cultural content and interoperability with the Semantic Web
Recipients and registration methods
For more information on admission requirements and how to enrol, please consult the page dedicated to the master.
Application open until January 15, 2025.