The “In Cloud” Project

Last updated: 28/03/23

Technologies for Storytelling of the Territory and Cultural Heritage of the Pontine Marshes

Entities involved

Directorate General for Education and Research, the Superintendency for Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape for the provinces of Frosinone, Latina and Rieti, and Circeo National Park.

Description of the project

The project, based on a memorandum of understanding signed by the entities involved, aims to construct a network between the main sites of high historical-cultural and environmental value in the Pontine area and create and disseminate innovative technologies for their promotion, conservation, recovery, use, and sustainability, in order to foster and promote growth and knowledge, helping trigger positive processes that systematize culture and territory.

The first step will be the reconstruction of a historical cartography, needed for the reading and interpretation of the territory’s evolution.

It will then proceed with the creation of technological aids, 360° filming for video immersion with the support of virtual reality (VR) technologies, tools to facilitate access to new content of great scientific and popular range, inclusive for users of any age, education, and origin. In the museum setting, some artefacts will be reproduced using a 3D printer, for educational and laboratory purposes.

In the museum setting, some artefacts will be reproduced using a 3D printer, for educational and laboratory purposes.

The project is designed from the perspective of developing a network of promotion and dissemination of cultural heritage present in the area, creating concrete connections between the various museum sections, the sites, and the assets in the area.