The Minister of Culture of the Republic of Korea visits ICPAL

Publication date: 30/07/21

Last updated: 21/12/22

Foto dell'incontro tra il Direttore generale Mario Turetta e il Ministro coreano in visita all'ICPAL

Coinciding with the participation in the G20 of Culture by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea Hee Hwang, the July 29, 2021 took place at theCentral Institute for Archives and Book Pathology (ICPAL) (ICPAL) the meeting between Minister Hee Hwan, followed by the Ambassador of Korea in Italy Hee-seog Kwon, with the Director General of Education, Research and Cultural Institutes Mario Turetta of the Ministry of Culture, who also holds the position of Director of ICPAL, together with the deputy director of the Eugenio Veca Institute.

During the meeting, the Minister visited the new ICPAL exhibition space and the historic garden of the headquarters in via Milano. Furthermore, during the visit to the restoration laboratory he observed important restoration works in progress on some works, among which theAstrology by Ottavio Pisani from the year 1613 belonging to the Casanatense Library.

In the context of the multi-year collaboration between ICPAL and the Republic of Korea, it is important to recall the role played by the Korean Traditional Paper Certification Institute Hanji necessary to be able to use it in the restoration of archival assets and books. In this regard, in-depth preliminary checks were carried out by the ICPAL scientific laboratories on the samples of Korean paper received in order to verify in advance the suitability for use in the field of restoration.

Following the favorable outcome of these studies on a part of the paper samples received, the restoration laboratory successfully carried out some restorations, also on important works including the Chartula of San Francesco d'Assisi written in the year 1224, belonging to the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi.

The meeting was also an opportunity to strengthen the mutual commitment to continue the collaboration already started.

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Visit ICPAL Minister of Culture of the Republic of Korea

Visit ICPAL Minister of Culture of the Republic of Korea

Visit ICPAL Minister of Culture of the Republic of Korea