Restorers of Cultural Heritage

Last updated: 24/04/24

A restorer of movable cultural heritage or decorated surfaces of architectural heritage is a professional that determines state of conservation and implements a set of direct and indirect actions to limit the degradation of component materials in the assets to ensure their conservation, safeguarding their cultural value.

Basic Tasks

  • Analyses and interprets data related to the component materials, technique of execution, and conservation status of an asset
  • Plans and directs, to the extent of his or her aptitude, any intervention needed
  • Performs conservation and restoration treatments directly
  • Directs and coordinates other professionals performing activities complementary to restoration
  • The qualification of Restorer of Cultural Heritage is granted upon completion of a:


The qualification of Restorer of Cultural Heritage is granted upon completion of a:

  • Diploma awarded by the Higher Education and Study Schools of the Ministry of Culture (at ICR, OPD, ICPAL)
  • Graduate degree in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage (class LMR02) or equivalent degree
  • Single-cycle II level academic diploma qualifying recipient to the profession of a Restorer of Cultural Heritage (Code DASLQ01)

There are 6 professional training paths (PFP)

PFP 1 Stone materials and derivatives; decorated surfaces of architecture.

PFP 2 Artefacts painted on wooden and textile supports. Artefacts carved in wood. Wooden furnishings and structures. Artefacts in processed, assembled and/or painted synthetic materials.

PFP 3 Materials and Artefacts in textile and leather.

PFP 4 Materials and Artefacts of ceramic, glass, and organic material. Materials and Artefacts in metal and alloys.

PFP 5 Book and archival materials. Paper and parchment artefacts. Photographic, cinematographic, and digital material.

PFP 6 Musical instruments. Scientific and technical instrumentation and tools.

Elenco istituzioni accreditate (ottobre 2023)

National Directory

The directory of Restorers of Cultural Heritage can be consulted on the Cultural Heritage Professionals platform.

The directory is divided into 12 areas of professional competence:

  • Stone and mosaic materials and derivatives
  • Decorated surfaces of architecture
  • Artefacts painted on wooden or textile support
  • Artefacts carved in wood, wooden furnishings and structures
  • Artefacts in processed, assembled, and/or painted synthetic materials
  • Materials and artefacts in organic textiles and leather
  • Ceramic and glass materials and artefacts
  • Materials and Artefacts in metal and alloys
  • Book and archival material and paper and parchment artefacts
  • Photographic, cinematographic and digital material
  • Musical instruments
  • Scientific and technical instrumentation and tools

The directory includes restorers:

  • in possession of diplomas from courses qualifying the recipient to exercise the profession of Restorer of Cultural Heritage
  • in possession of the qualification obtained based on transitional provisions article 182 of the d.lgs 42/2004 (Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape)
  • in possession of a foreign qualification recognized in Italy following special decree of the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry

PFP and sector correspondence table

Transitional Procedure

According to the provisions in art. 182 of the legislative decree 42/2004, the qualification of Restorer of Cultural Heritage was awarded as a result of a specific public selection procedure (call dated 22 June 2015) by order of the Ministry.

Si ricorda che coloro i quali hanno già ottenuto la qualifica di collaboratore restauratore/tecnico del restauro partecipando al bando pubblico per l’acquisizione della qualifica di collaboratore restauratore di beni culturali – tecnico del restauro dell’11 settembre 2014 o siano in possesso di determinati titoli si studio conseguiti prima del 31 dicembre 2014, potranno sostenere le prove di idoneità per l’acquisizione della qualifica di restauratore di beni culturali; tali prove sono previste dall’articolo 182 del Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio in via transitoria. Le modalità per lo svolgimento delle prove sono state pubblicate in gazzetta ufficiale con Decreto 17 gennaio 2024, n. 52 “Regolamento recante la disciplina delle modalità per lo svolgimento delle prove di idoneità con valore di esame di Stato abilitante, finalizzate al conseguimento della qualifica di restauratore di beni culturali, in attuazione dell’articolo 182, comma 1-quinquies, del decreto legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42.” (GU Serie Generale n.91 del 18-04-2024) che ha abrogato il Decreto interministeriale MiBAC-MIUR del 10 agosto 2019, n. 112

Useful Documents

Decree for technical committee integration DG-ERIC n. 414 dated 8.9.2022

Decree for technical committee integration DG-ERIC n. 342 dated 25.7.2022

Decree for technical committee DG-ERIC n. 252 dated 10.06.2022

Decree DG-ERIC n.183 dated 21.12.2018

Decreto DG-ERIC n.2 del 4.2.2019

Decree DG-ERIC n.51 dated 7.6.2019

Decree DG-ERIC n.111 dated 26.9.2019

Decree DG-ERIC n.16 dated 4.02.2021

Decree DG-ERIC n.140 dated 21.04.2021

Decree DG-ERIC n. 282 dated 6.10.2021

Decree DG-ERIC n. 406 dated 22.11.2021

Decree DG-ERIC n. 7 dated 26.01.2022

Decree DG-ERIC n. 210 dated 13.05.2022

Restorer Directory ex art. 182 DLGS 42-2004_updated 21.04.2021

Decree DG-ERIC n.192 dated 28.12.2018

Restorer Directory ex art 29 DLGS 42-2004_updated 20.01.2021

N.B: The complete and updated directory of restorers of cultural heritage can be consulted at:

Note DGER Procedure ex art 29 and 182

Circular DG-ERIC 10-2019

Guide to cultural heritage professions identified in article 9 bis of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, July 2021 (PDF)

Regulatory References 

Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape Legislative Decree 42/2004 (articles 9 bis, 29, 182)

D.M. 86/2009 “Regolamento concernente la definizione dei profili di competenza dei restauratori e degli altri operatori che svolgono attività complementari al restauro o altre attività di conservazione dei beni culturali mobili e delle superfici decorate di beni architettonici, ai sensi dell’articolo 29, comma 7, del decreto legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42, recante il codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio.”

Decreto 17 gennaio 2024, n. 52 “Regolamento recante la disciplina delle modalità per lo svolgimento delle prove di idoneità con valore di esame di Stato abilitante, finalizzate al conseguimento della qualifica di restauratore di beni culturali, in attuazione dell’articolo 182, comma 1-quinquies, del decreto legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42.” (GU Serie Generale n.91 del 18-04-2024) che abroga il Decreto Interministeriale MIBAC MIUR 10 AGOSTO 2019 n. 112 (GU Serie Generale n.242 del 15-10-2019)


N.B. For participants in the 22 June 2015 call, the access link to the dedicated portal to log in with credentials is