Last updated: 20/06/24

The European project CHARTER Cultural Heritage Action to Refine Training, Education and Roles, aims to develop a strategy for Cultural Heritage training, skills, and professions at the European level; an enduring and global strategy that provides Europe with the necessary skills for cultural heritage to promote sustainable societies and economies, including transversal skills like digital/technological and green/blue economy skills.

The project is financed through the programme Erasmus+ for Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Sector Skills Alliances for implementing a new strategic approach (“Blueprint”) to sectoral cooperation on skills with a budget of approximately 4,000,000 euro.

Mission and objectives

The purpose of the CHARTER project is to identify skill gaps in cultural heritage to bridge the gap between educational and professional systems, to ensure the viability of the sector and illustrate its contribution to social, economic, and environmental sustainability in Europe.

Specifically, the project aims to:

  • clarify professional roles and activities and create tools for an integrated and responsive educational system
  • identify curricula and learning outcomes to improve instruction and training, in order to respond to the current and future needs for cultural heritage skills
  • structure cultural heritage as an economically active sector

The CHARTER project includes 47 partners: 28 standing members and 19 associated members, who complete and reinforce the scope of the project in the cultural heritage sector.

The Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes and the Central Institute for Archives and Book Pathology are two of the project’s associated partners.

A diversified group, competent in several fields: institutions and agencies for instruction and training; business and employers; European and international networks; regions.

In addition, all partners cover the 5 fields of analysis: safeguarding and conservation; traditional craft and knowledge; dissemination and communications; knowledge; planning and management.

Complete list of partners:

Stages and Outcomes

The CHARTER project lasts 4 years, from 2021 to 2024.

I report pubblicati:

A new landscape for heritage professions – preliminary findings summarizing the work and preliminary outcomes of the Working Group WP2 – Strategic analysis of cultural heritage competences and occupational profiles.

Cultural heritage education and training in Europe – pathways to qualifications from the Working Group WP3 – Vocational Education and Training [VET] and beyond.

Factsheets: Families of competences curated by Working Group WP2 – Strategic analysis of cultural heritage competences and occupational profiles.

Report on the benchmark analysis of innovative – emerging curricula a cura del gruppo di lavoro WP3 – Vocational Education and Training [VET] and beyond.

Report: Who is not a stakeholder in cultural heritage? a cura del gruppo di lavoro WP4 –

Report on existing quality standards and certification schemes a cura del gruppo di lavoro WP3 – Vocational Education and Training [VET] and beyond.

Report: Identifying gaps and needs in the educational and training programmes a cura del gruppo di lavoro WP3.

Report: Forecast to fill gaps between education and training supply and labour market needs. A preliminary analysis a cura del gruppo di lavoro WP4.

Database on cultural heritage education programmes in Europe, developed by Work Package 3 (WP3) – Vocational Education and Training (VET) and beyond. Tutti i soggetti formatori sono incoraggiati a contribuire all’espansione del database presentando programmi aggiuntivi.

Guidelines on innovative/emerging cultural heritage education and training paths report a cura del WP3

Regional Cultural Heritage Ecosystems. Summary of Six Case Studies a cura del WP4

It is possible to follow the project’s progress and the targets expected for each year at the link:

For more information 
