Notice is given of the approval of the list of subjects accredited to the Coordinated system for the promotion of «creativity themes». The System involves the Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito, the Ministero della Cultura, educational institutions including online ones, institutions of higher artistic, musical and dance education (AFAM), universities, higher technical institutes (ITS), the Italian cultural institutes.
Specifically, the published list includes the bodies which, starting from the 2024/2025 school year, will be able to propose theoretical and practical activities, including laboratory methods, linked to "creativity themes" to all pupils in schools of all levels. and grade.
The initiative falls within the scope of the Arts Plan, a programmatic document adopted by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers through which, on a three-yearly basis, the methods and tools for promoting culture are established humanities and creative disciplines within schools. From this action comes a broad and detailed program which provides for the strengthening of educational activities with extracurricular activities, internships and internships.
For more information on the Plan, consult the dedicated page.