We report the publication of the notices of competition at the Schools of higher education and study of the Central Institute for Restoration – ICR and of Semi-precious stone factory – OPD aimed at aspiring student restorers of theacademic year 2022/2023.
Competition announcement Central Institute for Restoration - ICR - for the Rome and Matera offices
The public competition notice, for exams, is aimed at the admission of twenty five students at the 73rd Five-year diploma course, equivalent to the single-cycle master's degree, in conservation and restoration of cultural heritage (LMR/02), qualification for the profession of restorer of cultural heritage in the offices of Rome and Matera. The professional training courses are as follows:
- PFP 1 – Stone materials and derivatives; decorated surfaces of architecture”: 10 positions at the Matera office;
- PFP 2 – Artifacts painted on wooden and textile support; wooden carved artifacts; wooden furnishings and structures; processed, assembled and/or painted synthetic materials and artifacts”: 10 positions at the Rome office;
- PFP 4 – Ceramic, glass, organic materials and artefacts; materials and artifacts in metal and alloys”: 5 positions at the Rome office.
Announcement and admission form
Expiration: 13 July 2022
For more information consult the ICR website page
Notice of competition Opificio delle pietra dure – OPD
The announcement of public competition, for exams, is aimed at the admission of five students at the 34th Five-year course of the Higher Education and Study School, in the following professional training course:
- PFP 4- Ceramic, glass, organic materials and artefacts. Materials and artifacts in metal and alloys: five positions at the Florence office.
Expiration: 12 June 2022
For more information consult the OPD website page