Call for papers Session #275 #346 EAA Annual Meeting Budapest 2022

Publication date: 13/01/22

Last updated: 21/12/22

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The Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the MiC participates again this year in theEAA Annual Meeting which will be held in Budapest from 31 August to 3 September 2022.

Session #275

Under theme 1 Archaeologists and Archeology Here and Now the Management in collaboration with Amanda Chadburn (Historic England – United Kingdom) and Emmet Byrnes (Forest Service Inspectorate – Ireland), organizes the SESSION #275 THE ROLE OF ARCHAEOLOGY (AND ARCHAEOLOGISTS) IN THE COVID-19 RECOVERY PLANS ACROSS EUROPE AND BEYOND and invites you to submit proposals for participation until February 10, 2022 (date extended to February 14th).

The pandemic crisis has affected all aspects of life, including the world of cultural heritage and archaeology; from the world of research and conservation to that of training and education. This session aims to be a moment of reflection on the role of archeology - and of archaeologists - within the various national recovery and resilience plans, looking not only at the European Union, but also at other European and non-European countries. It will also be an occasion to highlight cases where archeology has been forgotten, discussing the possible reasons for this absence. It will also explore the expected impacts on the archaeological world from the implementation of these exceptional funding programs, and how archeology can broaden its horizons to help make our societies more just, more sustainable and more resilient.​

Session #346

Under theme 4 Polis, Empire, League and Beyond – Living in Interconnected Societies the Management in collaboration with theUniversity of Cassino and Southern Lazio and theGerman Archaeological Institute, organize the SESSION #346 BRINGING ROMAN COARSE WARE TO THE POINT: THE CHALLENGE OF A COMMON APPROACH and invites you to submit proposals for participation until February 10, 2022 (date extended to February 14th).

The enormous informative potential of common ceramics for the reconstruction of socio-economic changes makes them among the most interesting indicators in the excavation contexts of every regional and temporal horizon. However, they still represent a challenge in some respects, above all due to the preponderance of local productions, prevalent in the contexts. New technologies and the approach to collaborative work require a reflection and sharing of good practices, guiding principles, lexicons, structures. The purpose of this session is to create a moment of dialogue, in which the traditional typological approach to the study of common ceramics can find a synthesis with modern AI technologies and the new frontiers opened up by Social Network Analysis.


The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to February 14th.

One person can submit two contributions as lead author. The contribution can have up to 10 co-authors (including the main author). The title can have max. 20 words and the abstract min. 150 and max. 300 words. The deadline for submitting and editing an abstract is February 14, 2022 via the following links:

For information on the contents of the session #275 contact Maria Taloni:

For information on the contents of the session #346 contact Caterina Paola Venditti: