The second edition of Cantiere Città has begun: a project dedicated to the finalist cities for the Italian Capital of Culture. The initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Culture - Service VI of the General Secretariat and Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes - and by the Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Commercio cultural, which aims to enhance and promote the projects of the competing cities in the application phase.
Cantiere Città is a capacity building initiative, launched in 2022, for consoidating and design ideas and build relationships between the people involved in the creation of the dossiers of each finalist city.
First masterclass
The first masterclass took place in Rome from 21 to 23 May and involved 26 representatives of the ten finalist cities for the Italian Capital of Culture 2025: Agrigento (Italian Capital of Culture 2025), Aosta, Assisi, Asti, Bagnoregio , Monte Sant'Angelo, Orvieto, Pescina, Roccasecca and Spoleto.
Topics of the masterclass:
- City and cultural development
- Cultural city's governance
- Communication
During the first days of the meeting emerged common interests that will constitute the starting point for future appointments:
- sustainability (environmental, economic and social)
- promotion of a virtuous public-private relationship and institutional-stakeholder dialogue
- cultural projects against depopulation of the cities
- governance based on the needs of the territories
- cultural activities with long-lasting effects
- participatory processes in institutional communication
Upcoming events
The second edition of Cantiere Città is scheduled from June to December 2023 with a rich program of activities dedicated to all 10 finalist cities, which includes:
- three webinars, about the implementation of a cultural-based development plan
- an individual path consisting in three workshops for each city
- a final Masterclass will present the results of the course carried out
- Masterclass Roma Cantiere Città maggio 2023 foto 1
- Masterclass Roma Cantiere Città maggio 2023 foto 2
- Masterclass Roma Cantiere Città maggio 2023 foto 3