Training day 'Concession of archaeological research and excavations'

The Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, in collaboration with the Central Institute for Archaeology and the service II of the Directorate General for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape, promotes a training day on excavation and research concessions, as provided by training implementation plan 2021-2022.
The training day provides a update on the subject following the recent organizational changes of the Ministry. The Regional Museum Directorates have in fact become holders of investigative powers in the matter of concessions for excavations and archaeological research previously entrusted only to the Superintendencies for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape and to the Archaeological Parks; the DG-ABAP circular n. 37/2021 therefore standardized the new fulfilments of the DR Museums to those envisaged by DG-ABAP circulars n. 14 and n. 25 of 2021, providing operational indications regarding the process of the procedure and the obligations of the concessionaires for the delivery of the minimum master data at the end of the investigation aimed at merging into the National Geoportal for Archaeology.
The day has also the goal of creating one comparison space regarding the procedural aspects, with a focus on the analysis of concrete case studies.
Target audience
- MiC personnel: personale di II e III area con specifiche mansioni correlate ai temi del corso.
- External: professionals, university students and postgraduate specialized in the sector.
Learning mode
The training day will be available on the FAD platform from the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities on 27 January 2022, from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 17.30 in synchronous mode (live) and, from 9 February 2022 to 29 April 2022 in on-demand mode.
The day is organized into a theoretical part and a seminar part, during which some of the case studies sent by participants will be illustrated. Partecipants can send case studies, by 17 January 2022, according to the "Case study format" attached to the circular, to the address:
Enrolment is open from 20 December to 12 January 2022 on the Course Portal:
Please refer to the DG-ERIC circular n. 40 dated 17 December 2021 and its annexes for all the details.
Useful Documents
DG-ERIC Circular n.40 dated 17 December 2021
Featured image: Appia Antica Archaeological Park,
Casale Vignazze, tenuta Farnesiana, via Ardeatina 435.