The Complexity of Post-Seismic Reconstruction: Safety, Development, and Protection

The Directorate General for Cultural Heritage Security, in collaboration with the Department of Engineering and the Department of Economics at the University of Perugia, is organising the first day of study on cultural heritage security - The Complexity of Post-Seismic Reconstruction: Safety, Development, and Protection, scheduled for 5 December 2022 at the auditorium of the National Central Library of Rome. The objective of the initiative, promoted in agreement with the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes, is to foster the growth and development of a culture of safety combined with the protection and conservation of cultural heritage.


The programme for the day of study will begin with a talk on the reconstruction of central Italian areas following the 2016 earthquake.
Proceedings will continue with four panels:

  • Security of movable property and promotion strategies for a spread-out museum;
  • Security and restoration of large historical and architectural complexes and of historical building;
  • Regeneration of urban fabric and reduction of land consumption;
  • Socio-economic development and revitalisation of areas hit by the earthquake.

Target audience

MiC personnel, with special focus on the officers who are architects and engineers, technical assistants, or carrying out activities related to the course topics.

Enrolment and use

The subscriptions they are open dal 14 al 25 novembre 2022  exclusively on Portal of MiC Courses
Il corso sarà fruibile:

  • at the auditorium of the National Central Library of Rome, according to the attached programme, subject to availability (max 160) for employees of MiC Institutes in the Lazio Region
  • on demand from 12/12/2022 until 31/03/2023 on the MiC’s MOODLE Platform.

Notice (14 December 2022)

The study day is properly accessible on demand on MiC’s MOODLE Platform, starting from 15 December 2022 and in the modes indicated in the circular.

For more information

DG-ERIC Circular n. 47 dated 10/11/2022
MOODLE Platform Instructions for Use
List of participants admitted to the in-person study day