Dicolab. Digital culture – MOOC courses on Digital Transformation Governance

Immagine che contiene testo "Dicolab Cultura al digitale"

Course description

The four MOOC's courses about digital tranformation governance are part of Dicolab. Digital culture, a project promoted by the Ministry of Culture – Digital Library as part of the PNRR Culture 4.0 and financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU, with the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities, in collaboration with the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes:

  • Data management for cultural institutes
  • Digital skills for cultural organizations
  • Project management. Digital tools for cultural projects management
  • Human Centered Design for cultural organizations

Target audience

Ministry's of Culture staff

Enrolment and use

Enrollments are open from 5 to 22 February 2024 exclusively on MiC's Portal courses (one registration for each course).

The access to the authorization procedure by the Director on the course portal is available until 27 February 2024 at next online link.

The MOOC courses are available on demand on the e-learning platform of the Foundation School of cultural heritage and activities (FAD) for all enrolled and authorized on the Course Portal, within the timeframe set out in DGERIC circular no. 9/2024.

The initiative is part of the actions envisaged by the Ministry of Culture as part of Investment 1.1 "Digital strategies and platforms for cultural heritage", Mission 1, Component 3 of the PNRR. In particular, the program is financed with resources from the sub-investment 1.1.6 "Training and Improvement of digital skills" of which the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities is the implementing body.