Dicolab. Digital culture – MOOC courses for digital training (repetition)

Dicolab. Cultura al digitale

Course description

The Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, with the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation, promuove la replica del primo corso della serie Archivi digitali Introduction to document managementThe Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, with the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities, promotes the repetition of the first series of the training course Digital archive Introduction to document management, realized with the Digital Conservation Center of the Central State Archives and focused on the theme of document management, and the MOOC course The digital archive. Training and conservationL’archivio digitale. Formazione e conservazione.

All the training activities are part of Dicolab. Cultura al digitale, promoted by the Ministry of CultureDigital Library as part of the PNRR Culture 4.0 and financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU, the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities creates, in collaboration with the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, five distinct MOOC courses, exclusively on demand, on topics related to the digital transition in the cultural field. The initiative is part of the actions envisaged by the Ministry of Culture as part of Investment 1.1 "Digital strategies and platforms for cultural heritage", Mission 1, Component 3 of the PNRR. In particular, the program is financed with resources from the sub-investment 1.1.6 "Training and Improvement of digital skills" of which the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities is the implementing body.

There are two different registrations on the Course Portal, one for each chosen course and that the certification of continuing education credits (CFC) is subordinate to the full use of the course and the passing of the required final tests.

MiC courses and recipients:

  1. Introduction to document management (ciclo di sei lezioni)
  2. The digital archive. Training and conservation (four lessons)

The courses are for the Ministery of Culture's staff, specifically archivist officials, and the respinsible staff for document management, digital preservation and supervisory commissions.

Enrolment and use

Registrations are open from 25 January to 12 February 2024 exclusively on MiC's Portal courses.

The access to the authorization procedure by the Director on the course portal is available until 16 February 2024.

All webinars will be available on demand on FAD's platform of the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities, from 26 February to 28 April 2024 .