Dicolab. Cultura al digitale – Digital Libraries

Course description

As part of the digital skills training and updating project Dicolab. Digital Culture, promoted by the Ministry of Culture-Digital Library, the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes and the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali, in collaboration with the Italian Library Association – AIB, propose the training course Digital Libraries.

The training initiative is part of the actions defined by the Ministry of Culture as part of the PNRR.


The training course aims to provide a comprehensive theoretical and practical framework on the ecosystem of digital libraries, as infrastructures for access to knowledge, resources and digital services.  

The training activity is divided into 9 webinars, with related insights, available live and on demand on the FAD platform of the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali, from 29 October 2024 to 20 March 2025, according to the calendar reported in the attached program:

  • Introduction to Digital Libraries  
  • Manage digital bibliographic collections  
  • Regulatory aspects of digital resources 
  • Digital identity and access to services 
  • Digital Entity Management 
  • Preservation and security of digital cultural heritage 
  • Progettare una collezione digitale 
  • Bibliographic classifications for digital 
  • Semantic Web and Linked Data 

Target audience

The training course is aimed at all MiC staff, in particular managers and operational staff of libraries or those carrying out activities related to the topics addressed, and industry professionals involved in cultural planning processes in the digital field.


Registrations are open from 9 to 22 October 2024 exclusively on the MiC courses portal, for all users (unlike what is reported in the circular). The authorization procedure by the Director will be possible until 24 October 2024.


Programma Biblioteche digitali (aggiornato 28.10.2024)