Museums in Corso III WORKSHOP | Orientation: Museums and Digital – Creating a website: tools and strategies

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Course description

As part of the third edition of the Musei in Corso project, the General Management Museums, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes and the Foundation School of cultural heritage and activities, organize a cycle of seven webinars entitled Museums and Digital - Creating a website : tools and strategies, reserved for MiC staff.

The proposed training activity is dedicated to the theme of Museums and Digital with reference to a fundamental aspect of museum activity such as the website tool. Through the actions and areas of commitment of museum professionals, in particular, the aspects related to communication and digital accessibility will be explored in greater detail in line with the tools of the national museum system platform.

The webinar cycle is part of the “Dicolab-digital culture” project, dedicated to training and updating digital skills, and is created by the Foundation School of cultural heritage and activities in collaboration with the Central Institute for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage - Digital Library.

The webinars will take place from October 12 to November 30 2023 in synchronous mode (live) and, subsequently, in asynchronous mode (on demand) , on the e-learning platform of the Foundation School of cultural heritage and activities.

Webinar topics:

  • Web environment (October 12)
  • Content strategy for the web (October 19)
  • Writing for the web (October 26)
  • Storytelling for diverse audiences. Comparing experiences (2 November)
  • Accessibility and web (November 16)
  • Visibility in search engines (Seo content) – (November 23)
  • MiC museum system platform (November 30)

Target audience

Ministry of Culture's staff performing activities related to the topics discussed.

Enrolment and use

Registrations are open from September 13th to October 2, 2023 exclusively on Portal of Courses MiC.

Access to the authorization procedure by the Directoron the Course Portal is possible until 6 October 2023.

The webinars will be available on the e-learning platformof the Foundation School of cultural heritage and activities (FAD) live, starting from 12 October 2023.

For more information

Circolare DGERIC n. 38 del 12 settembre 2023

FAD Platform Handbook

Programma aggiornato al 4 ottobre 2023