“Oltre il giardino. Seminare competenze” basic course for the care of historic parks and gardens

Oltre il giardino - Card corso Seminare conoscenze

Course description

Oltre il Giardino is part of the free program of education and professional updating for the care and management of historic parks and gardens. The project is carried out by the Ministry of Culture, promoted by VIII Service of the General Secretariat in collaboration with the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, curated and implemented by the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities with the support of APGI Associazione Parchi e Giardini d'Italia.

The project is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the PNRR Culture 4.0. in fact, the sector of historic parks and gardens is the subject of substantial funding, the measure M1C3 Investment 2.3 “Programs to enhance the identity of places: historic parks and gardens”.

Oltre il giardino. Seminare conoscenze – basic course

The basic course, aimed at MiC staff and all interested learners, has been designed to:

  • to bring a wide audience closer to and raise awareness about the care of the historic garden
  • to disseminate basic theoretical knowledge
  • to introduce to the contents and tools for the enhancement and communication of cultural heritage


For MiC staff, registrations are open from 8 to 25 March 2024 exclusively on Portal of MiC courses. Access to the authorization procedure by the Director on the Course Portal is available until March 27, 2024.

For all others learners interested (outside MiC), registrations will open starting March 18, 2024 on the website of the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation, until the end of October.

Learning mode

The course consists of webinars, pills, video lessons, podcasts and other formats available on the FAD platform of the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities, in the following ways:

  • from 4 April and until 15 October 2024 live and on demand, as the attached program, for the MiC staff
  • from 4 April to 31 October for other learners

The Conferenza inaugurale del progetto, per la quale è consentita anche la presenza in aula fino a esaurimento posti, si terrà il 4 aprile dalle ore 16.00 alle 18.00 a Roma presso Villa Farnesina Auditorio in via della Lungara, 230. l posti sono limitati, per assistere in presenza all’evento è necessario registrarsi a link:

More information on Circular DGERIC n.15 - 8 March 2024, in the program and in the program of the inaugural conference.