Centre for Educational Services (Sed)

Last updated: 28/03/23

The Centre for Educational Services (Sed) has the task of promoting cultural heritage education, with the goal of increasing knowledge and participation.

Established in 1998, the Sed operates on the basis of articles 118 and 119 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, fostering objectives of social inclusion and active citizenship.

In response to the demands of universal accessibility, intercultural dialogue, and lifelong learning, the SED produces experimental content and formats, performing training and updating activities as well.

The Sed supports the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes in drafting the National Plan for Cultural Heritage Education and in coordinating the national network of Educational services in places of culture.

The analysis and collection of Educational services projects allow for the dissemination of National Educational Offerings, communicated annually through a dedicated database.

Operational strategies of the Sed:

  • heritage education projects aimed at everyone, with specific focus on the world of schooling
  • training courses on heritage education for teachers, cultural workers, and MiC staff
  • agreements and partnerships with institutions, training agencies, universities, foundations, and associations, nationally and locally
  • collaborations regarding internships and update courses
  • rapporti con gli organismi nazionali ed internazionali del settore
  • collection of teaching and dissemination materials, drafting and publishing of guidance tools

website: www.sed.beniculturali.it

Contacts: sed@beniculturali.it

Useful Documents

MI-MIC Memorandum of Understanding 2021