The “Discover Your Museum” Project

Last updated: 28/03/23

“Discover Your Museum” is a national museum education project created by the Directorate General for Education and Research – Centre for Educational Services (SED) in collaboration with the Educational Services divisions of the museums involved.

L’iniziativa, che ha ottenuto il Marchio dell’Anno europeo del patrimonio culturale 2018, è dedicata ai ragazzi tra i 6 e gli 11 anni, ai loro insegnanti, alle famiglie e a tutti i visitatori che vogliono scoprire, in maniera semplice e divertente, i tesori nascosti nei musei grazie al supporto di apposite mappe.

Museum collections are presented in an exciting way, with colourful graphics and streamlined, engaging messaging, perfect for a non-specialist audience.

The project is replicable, adaptable and exportable to other Italian and European museums. It allows for several educational activities, supporting group activities especially, like “treasure hunts” for families.

It is also a valuable tool for inclusion and knowledge of Italian culture for non-Italian communities living in the country and for young Europeans through heritage partnerships.

It provides for active audience participation through an online vote allowing visitors to express their opinions on the visit experience and preference for the museum.

The 40 themed museum maps, with different types of heritage, in all regions of Italy, can be downloaded in PDF format from the following link: