Payment of additional contributions to conferences and publications - financial year 2021

Publication date: 14/09/22

Last updated: 21/12/22


The Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes communicates thedisbursement of further contributions for conferences and publications of significant cultural interest for thefinancial year 2021.
For further information on the allocation of funds and the related obligations connected to it, consult the attachments and the online page.

It should be noted that the beneficiaries will have to report the expenses incurred, in line with the nature of the editorial and/or conference project approved during the year 2021, or, otherwise, communicate any waiver of contribution. There documentation must be sent no later than 31.10.2022.


DD no. 66 of 25-02-2022
Note additional reporting criteria
List of further Conference Contributions 2021
List of further contributions Publications 2021