The European Night of Researchers 2022 is back

Publication date: 23/09/22

Last updated: 21/12/22

Logo 2022_Notte Ricercatori

Friday 30 September 2022 the awaited appointment with the European Researchers' Night e from the female researchers: an initiative promoted by the European Commission since 2005 which involves thousands of researchers and research institutions every year in all European countries.

Theobjective is to create meeting opportunities between researchers and citizens for disseminate scientific culture and knowledge of the research professions in an informal and stimulating context.

All the appointments of the European Night of researchers can be consulted on the Italian site of the European Researchers' Night and on the institutional channels of places of culture.


Events organized by the Institutes belonging to the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes

ICR extension 

The Central Institute for Restoration will collaborate with the Association Frascati Science: leader of a network of researchers, who will meet on the occasion of the European Researchers' Night, scheduled for Friday 30 September 2022; as happened in previous years, Frascati Scienza will organize an entire Science Week full of events, from Saturday 24 September until 1 October.

The theme continues from last year, LEAF – heal the planet's Future. LEAF is funded by the programme HORIZON-MSCA-Citizens-2022 of the European Commission, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions.

The events scheduled by the Central Institute for Restoration are 7, all completely free; reservations are required at the ICR Promotion and Communication Office, at the e-mail address
It is still possible to register for the following events:
  • MAUMi the Museum of Urban Art on Migrations. Location: Rome, Casa Scalabrini 634, in via Casilina, 634. Dates and times: 27/09 – 18:00 – 20:00
  • Restoration is taught at the Tombs of via Latina. Location: Rome, Appia Antica Archaeological Park. Dates and times: 30/09 16:00 – 17:00
  • Green conservation for metal works. Location: ICR Rome office in via di San Michele 25. Dates and times: 29/09 16:00 – 18:00
The other events are SOLD OUT



OPD extension

For the European Night of male and female researchers, 30 September 2022, the Opificio delle Pietre Dure organize an evening opening of the OPD Museum with guided tours from 20.00 to 23.00

The cost of entrance ticket at the Museum he will observe the ordinary rates (full price €4, reduced price €2, free for those entitled). There guided tour And free.

For more information see the programme of the event.