"Women artists. Paths in graphics from the twentieth century to today", exhibition at ICG

Donne artiste locandina

Description of the event

It opens on May 16 at Central Institute for Graphics (ICG) the exhibition Women artists. Paths in graphics from the twentieth century to today, dedicata alla produzione grafica delle artiste presenti nelle raccolte dell’ICG. L’esposizione, a cura di Luisa De Marinis e Ilaria Fiumi Sermattei, inizialmente aperta al pubblico fino al 23 luglio, è stata prorogata fino al 20 agosto 2023 presso il Palazzo della Calcografia.

The exhibition is structured around six themes: Myth/vision, Landscape/nature, Landscape/city, Faces/figures, Signs/writings and About Her in an artistic path in which the chronological and historical criterion is intertwined with the linguistic and thematic one. In addition to the forty selected artists, for a total of 80 sheets from the funds of the Calcografia, of Gabinetto disegni e stampe, of contemporary Grafic sector and some Institute photo collections works by artists not yet present in the collection will be exhibited, but strongly significant to fully outline the contemporary panorama.

Three authoritative artists are also invited to the exhibition, born in the thirties of the '900 and partly still working: Elisa Montessori, Isabella Ducrot and Irma Blank.

To find out more: https://tinyurl.com/2pwem5zs