Monumenti di gloria. The protection of architectural heritage in war

Description of the event

It is scheduled on April 23, 2024 at the Church of San Francesco della Scarpa in Bari the national conference Monumenti di gloria, with the intervention of our General Director, Andrea De Pasquale. The conference is about the protection of architectural heritage at war: strategies, events and reflections.

A day of studies to analyse the links between political decisions, military operations and the war structure of the artistic, monumental and urban heritage, drawing attention to the historical events of our country experienced during the world conflicts of the twentieth century.

The partecipation is free and is it possile to enjoy the conference by booking at the following link:

The conference is promoted and carried out thanks to the contribution of the General Directorate for Education, Research and Institutes of the Ministry of Culture, is organised by Fondazione Gianfranco Dioguardi, by Soprintendenza Abap per la città metropolitana di Bari e dall’Ordine Architetti PPC Provincia di Bari with the collaboration of the Segretariato Regionale MiC Pugliaof Regional Directorate of Puglia Museumsof Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica della Puglia, with Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici e del Paesaggio and the department ArCoD of Politecnico di Bari and ofIstituto IPSAIC Tommaso Fiore with the support of Rossi Restauri and Dabimus srl.
