Education – Frequently asked questions

Last updated: 31/01/24

Answers to frequently asked questions about educational activities under the Directorate’s purview, broken down by area (click on the relevant section)


All circulars related to training courses, organised by this Directorate General, are posted on MiC’s Private Virtual Network. They are also available on the institutional site of this Directorate General (, under “Communications”, posted on the Course portal, and via social network (Facebook), reachable from any internet location 24/7.

As indicated in the relevant circulars for individual courses, the email address for all requests about course practices is the following:, while for technical assistance regarding the Course portal, the contact it:

Training courses must be done exclusively during working hours.

Yes. The use of online courses will be possible at any time during the workday, including agile work.

No. Courses must be done during working hours.

No. Courses must be done during working hours.



To register for the course portal, follow these instructions:
1. access the Portal using the link;
2. insert APE credentials ( on the login page;
• from the central menu, Home, communications can be viewed;
• from the menu on the left, Courses, you can choose other functions;
3. click Applicant Data;
4. fill out all information for applicant identification in the section Personal Data. Required fields are marked with an asterisk;
5. click on next or the Information section:
• fill out Background data by choosing the type of applicant (MiC) from the drop-down menu and all the other mandatory fields marked with an asterisk;
• fill in data for Director of the Institute/Service or Director General responsible and the mandatory fields below
6. click on Next or on the section Residence and fill out all required field marked with an asterisk
7. click on Next or on the section Declarations, view statements on data processing, check acceptance box, and click SAVE.

No. It is optional. If it is ever necessary, this will be specifically indicated in the circular of the course.

The procedure for course enrolment is done in two phases:
PHASE I – Choose Application
1. access the Portal using the link;
2. insert APE credentials ( on the login page;
3. view “Communications” on the Home page;
4. from the Courses menu on the left, click Fill out and Submit Applications;
5. enter “Fill out and Submit Applications”;
6. click on the name of the Course;
7. confirm (YES);
8. the following appears: A draft application has been created and must be completed and submitted;
9. click OK.
PHASE II – Fill out and Submit Applications
1. click on the course name at the bottom of the page, to finalize your application;
2. indicate your preference for how to follow the course (Classroom/Video Conference Room/Streaming);
• notes can be input into the dedicated space;
• a curriculum vitae needs to be attached only if expressly required for admission to the course;
3. click on Submit Application on the upper right;
• it is possible to save a draft and submit later, in this case however, please remember to send the application before the closing date indicated in circular, after which it will no longer be possible to register;
4. click on OK, located in the centre of the box. After submission, the application will have its own code and will be saved in the Portal.
N.B. If the application is not SUBMITTED, through the appropriate step (SUBMIT APPLICATION), enrolment in the course on the Portal is not complete, making the application non-existent.

Yes. The opening and closing dates for course registration are always indicated in the course circular, outside of which it is not possible to register.

Employees must access their profile within the Course portal, under personal data, on the page USER REGISTRATION and then in the section INFORMATION and indicate the referring Director, by inputting the Director’s name, surname, and email address, and save.

Yes. Before enrolling in courses, it is necessary, within the Portal, to check the data in Personal Data, User Registration – Information section – specifically, Institute Director, and update the information, including the name, surname, and email address of the current Director. An incorrect Director's name makes it impossible for the request to be assigned to its Director, and it can’t then be authorized by the Director.

If you are still within the time frame allowed for enrolment, indicated in the related Circular, and the course enrolment was completed before correcting the records, you must cancel your application and then, once the name of the Director is corrected, apply for the course again.

1. access the menu Applications sent electronically;
2. click on the name of the Course to be cancelled;
3. click CANCEL SUBMISSION in the upper left-hand corner of the screen;
4. confirm the cancellation of the application submission by clicking: Yes, I want to cancel this submission;
5. click OK and wait to receive a confirmation email in your APE email;
6. upon receipt of the email, click the link in the email to complete the cancellation process.

No. The authorisation of the Director, for admission to the course, must be done exclusively through the Course portal.

Yes. The dates by which Directors can authorise courses for their employees are always indicated in the course circular. Applicants who have not received authorisation on the Course portal by the deadline will not be admitted to the course.

Yes. Follow these instructions:
1. enter the Portal with your credentials;
2. enter the menu Applications sent electronically;
3. click on the name of the course
4. view the application and related sections where, you can view and download PDF attachments, where available:
• PDF application
• Processing documents: Director authorisation or rejection
• Course Certificate
You can also view course processing status on the Applications sent electronically menu: In the process of authorisation/Concluded. For more detailed information, you can click on the processing status itself.
N.B. The DG ERIC protocol number (automatically posted in GIADA) will be visible following the Director's authorisation/rejection. Please note that authorisation, where present, is valid even in the absence of the protocol.

Courses, through application on the Course portal, are reserved for personnel of the Ministry of Culture, except in cases expressly indicated in the related Circular.


The Director/Superintendent/Service Director (only within Directorates structured in more than one service) and Delegate Director-Officer for Archives and Libraries

1. Inviare una richiesta di abilitazione al Portale dei corsi via mail all’indirizzo: e in cc a, indicando Istituto/i diretto/i.
2. Compilare la propria anagrafica, inserendo nella sezione “dati di individuazione del richiedente” nel campo “Inquadramento” Area D e nella sezione “Dirigente dell’Istituto” il proprio nominativo e il proprio indirizzo mail istituzionale (


To activate the Delegation feature, the delegating Director/Superintendent/Service Director/Director-Officer must:
1) use email credentials to enter the reserved administration area of the portal, at the link indicated on the website of this Directorate General (Director/Delegate access for authorisations):
2) Entrando nella propria area riservata, il Capo di Istituto/Servizio trova tra i menu la funzione delega e deve indicare NOME, COGNOME, MAIL ISTITUZIONALE del delegato. 
3) send timely notice of the delegation, for approval on the Course portal, to the following addresses: and
4) indicate the start and end date of the delegation
N.B. upon expiration, if necessary, the delegation can be renewed to the same delegate or another delegate.

No. The delegation option does not affect the name of the Director – indicated by the applicant at the time of REGISTRATION in the appropriate field – which must not be modified and must always contain the name and email of the Director, and not any delegate.

No, under no circumstances may the delegate in turn delegate to third parties.

The Director must log in to the Course portal as an administrator, by clicking on the following link, on the DG ERIC website: and insert his or her APE credentials.
1. The Director can view course applications from employees from his or her Institute and authorise or reject them
2. The Delegate can view the list of course applications from employees the Institute addressed to the Director and authorise or reject them.

Yes, you can always modify the "profile" section until the application submission is finalised, using the appropriate procedure.

The Director or delegate must:
1. enter with email credentials ( into the reserved administration area of the portal, at the link indicated on the website of this Directorate General (Director/Delegate access for authorisations):;
2. from the WORKFLOW menu on the left, click on Application List to view the list;
3. click on the individual application, marked with a code, name and surname of the applicant, and with data on application status.

Within each application, you can view the Processing Phase and perform:
A. Course authorization or rejection form:
1. Select the learning mode (Classroom, Video Conference Room, Streaming). Classroom mode is for in-person courses. Classroom availability can be viewed through a counter showing the number of seats still available out of the total provided based on the room’s capacity. If the available spaces have run out, it is necessary to authorise another learning mode. Video Conferencing mode is used at institutes with a Video Conference Room. Classroom availability can be viewed through a counter showing the number of seats still available out of the total provided based on the room’s capacity. If the available spaces have run out, it is necessary to authorise another learning mode. Streaming mode should be selected for e-learning courses, live/on demand.
N.B. For courses planned only in e-learning form, the only choice available will be streaming (on the Moodle Platform and FAD Platform) or Classroom (on a Platform external to MiC, taken as a Virtual classroom).
2. select (in the upper right) Authorise or Reject Application. Upon authorisation, the system sends the document to protocol directly in GIADA.
B. Application Detail
It is possible to view an employee’s application and the related sections where PDF attachments can be downloaded, where applicable.
C. History By clicking on History (in the upper right), the status of the application can be viewed.

No. Il Portale procede in modo automatico all’autorizzazione.

The notification email is sent to the Director when enrolment closes and is a reminder that there are course authorisation requests to be processed on the Portal.

Sì. Il Dirigente può iniziare ad autorizzare fin dal giorno di apertura delle iscrizioni ai corsi che è sempre indicato nella circolare di riferimento; la mail di avviso va intesa solo come promemoria per segnalare la presenza di richieste di autorizzazione al corso da evadere sul Portale.

No. The email notifying of applications continues to be sent ONLY to Institute Directors. They may forward the communication to the delegate, if any, with the access link to the reserved area, which remains unchanged.

Yes. From the REPORT menu on the left, by clicking on Director Report.

After clicking on Director Report:
1. choose the name of the assignee of the application from the drop-down menu;
2. choose the name of the course from the drop-down menu;
3. click the region from the drop-down menu (only if necessary);
4. click on ok (upper right) to generate the Director Report file for the course;
5. click Export (upper right) to download the Excel Report of employees authorised for the selected course.

After generating the Director Report of the chosen course, click on the tax code of the individual employee to view a summary statement of courses actually taken, divided by year, and for which the relative Continuing education credits (CFC) have already been acquired.


Registration to the MiC Course portal for external users is active, as of 13 October 2021.

Se sei cittadino italiano, utilizzare l’identità digitale SPID per accedere al Portale.
Clicca sul tasto “Accedi con SPID” e scegli il tuo provider d’identità digitale tra quelli presenti in lista.
Dopo aver scelto il tuo provider, inserisci le tue credenziali (Username e Password) fornite al momento della registrazione e completa l’accesso cliccando su “Entra con SPID”, per alcuni provider il tasto viene nominato come “Prosegui” o “Entra” (vedi anche informazioni su
L’identificazione CIE consente, invece, l’accesso mediante l’impiego della Carta di Identità Elettronica (CIE), in questo caso seguire le apposite modalità di verifica (vedi anche informazioni su
Se non sei cittadino italiano, ma sei cittadino europeo, è possibile utilizzare l’identità digitale eIDAS. Clicca sul tasto “Login with eIDAS” e scegli il tuo paese di cittadinanza. (vedi anche informazioni su Dopo aver completato il processo, che è variabile a seconda del servizio offerto, verrai ridirezionato verso la tua area riservata del Portale dei Corsi.

1. On the Home screen, click Complete Registration;
2. fill out Applicant Identification Data in the Personal Data section, with mandatory fields marked with an asterisk;
3. click on Next or on the Information section:
4. fill out Background data by choosing the type of applicant (External user) dal drop-down menu;
5. fill out the mandatory fields: Entity/Company, Professional profile, Region;
6. input into the Identification field: typology and ID details;
7. attach identification document;
8. click on Next or on the section Residence and fill out the mandatory fields;
9. view statements pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of the D.P.R. 28 December 2000, n. 445 and articles 13-14 of the General Data Protection Regulation, 2016/679 – former art. 13 of the D.lgd. 196/2003, check the box to accept, and click on SAVE on the upper right.

No. It is optional. If it is ever necessary, this will be specifically indicated in the circular of the course.

No. Some courses are reserved for MiC employees, others are open to external users as well. The targets of the training courses are always specified in the circulars regarding those courses.

All the circulars related to training courses organised by this Directorate General are available on the institutional site of this Directorate General (, “Communications”, posted on the Course portal, and via social network (Facebook) reachable from any internet location 24/7.

The email address for all requests about course practices is the following:, while for technical assistance regarding the Course portal, the contact it:

It is always necessary to enrol through the Course portal by clicking on the following link:

The procedure course enrolment includes three phases: PHASE I
1. access the Portal using the link;
2. insert APE credentials ( on the login page;
3. view “Communications” on the Home page;
4. from the Courses menu on the left, click Fill out and Submit Applications;
5. click on the name of the Course;
6. confirm (YES);
7. the following will appear: a draft application has been created, which will have to be filled out and submitted;
8. press OK.
PHASE II – Fill out and submit Application
1. click on the course name at the bottom of the page, to finalize your application;
2. indicate your preference for how to follow the course (Classroom/Video Conference Room/Streaming);
• notes can be input into the dedicated space;
• a curriculum vitae needs to be attached only if expressly required for admission to the course;
3. click on Submit Application on the upper right;
• it is possible to save a draft and submit later, in this case however, please remember to send the application before the closing date indicated in circular, after which it will no longer be possible to register;
4. click on OK, located in the centre of the box. After submission, the application will have its own code and will be saved in the Portal.
N.B. If the application is not SUBMITTED, through the appropriate step (SUBMIT APPLICATION), enrolment in the course on the Portal is not complete, making the application non-existent.

Yes. The opening and closing dates for course registration are always indicated in the course circular, outside of which it is not possible to register.

1. access the menu Applications sent electronically;
2. click on the name of the Course to be cancelled;
3. click CANCEL SUBMISSION in the upper left-hand corner of the screen;
4. Confirm the cancellation of the application submission by clicking: Yes, I want to cancel this submission;
5. click OK and wait to receive a confirmation email in your APE email;
6. upon receipt of the email, click the link in the email to complete the cancellation process.

The issuance of the certificate of participation is done by this Directorate General. Certificates will be available, in the user’s profile on the Course portal, in the section “Applications sent electronically”, by clicking on the code related to the course and downloading the PDF attachment.

No. This Directorate General can issue continuing education credits (CFC) only to employees of the Ministry of Culture.


The procedures regarding the transmission of documentation depend on the e-learning platform on which the course was taken:
1) PROCEDURE RELATED TO COURSES TAKEN ON THE FAD PLATFORM OF THE SCHOOL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ACTIVITIES FOUNDATION AND ON PLATFORMS EXTERNAL TO THE MiC Lists of trainees to attest actual attendance of training courses will be sent directly by the School of Cultural Heritage Foundation to this Directorate General, which will arrange, after processing them, for the issuances of certificates on the Course portal.
2) PROCEDURE FOR COURSES DONE ON THE MiC'S MOODLE PLATFORM After the deadline for course completion (indicated in the Circular for each course) and following verification and processing of data by the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes, the certificate will be available in your profile on the Course portal.

The issuance of certificates of participation with recognition of relevant continuing education credits is done by this Directorate General. After receiving the lists of participants and processing the data, certificates will be available, in the user’s profile on the Course portal, in the section “Applications sent electronically”, by clicking on the code related to the course and downloading the PDF attachment.

The Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes is in charge of awarding continuing education credits for centrally defined courses or courses which, in agreement with the Directorate itself, sub-central Institutes may organise directly or through agreements with other Entities and Institutions (subject to approval). Similarly, the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes is also in charge of awarding CFCs for training courses organised by central and sub-central institutes of the Ministry, authorised in advance by the Directorate itself, pursuant to DPCM 169/2019 article 15, paragraph 2, letters ‘b’ and ‘f’. In 2017, the awarding of Training Credits to be given for each training course was begun, on an experimental basis; starting in 2018, the system entered into full operation under the name Continuing education credits (Three-Year Plan for Training Activities 2018-2020). Specifically, CFCs are awarded considering the training activity’s duration and complexity, and whether or not a final test is taken. Criteria Index Minimum/Maximum duration 1 CFC/hour, up to 30 hours 2/30 complexity 0 low, 1 medium, 2 high 0-2 final exam 1 up to 10 hours 2 from 11 to 20 hours 3 from 21 to 30 hours 1-3 The awarding of CFCs is concurrent with the issuance of the certificate of participation for the individual course.

In relation to the different areas, a minimum and maximum level of credits is provided, with the goal of facilitating an equitable distribution of training opportunities among personnel. The minimum level should be guaranteed, while CFCs will no longer be counted for the purposes of economic development and other forms of advancement over the maximum level, should future specific joint agreements provide for the assessment of training. Area MiC Minimum CFC MiC Maximum CFC Management 12 42 III 8 35 II 6 15 I 6 10

The procedure is as follows:
1. access the Portal using the link:;
2. insert APE credentials ( on the login page;
3. click Applicant Data;
4. click on Education Credits (on the upper right).
N.B. The table shows educational credits listed by year, for all courses for which certificates have been issued.


For all procedures regarding use of the FAD Platform, please consult the Handbook (User’s Guide to the FAD Platform) attached to the courses reference circulars, organised by this Directorate General in collaboration with the School of Cultural Heritage Foundation.

Lists of trainees to attest actual attendance of training courses will be sent, after the last date for the course, by the School of Cultural Heritage Foundation directly to this Directorate General, which will arrange, after processing them, for the issuances of certificates on the Course portal.

TRAINING COURSES ORGANISED BY MiC INSTITUTES D.P.C.M. 169/2019, art. 15, paragraph 2, letters b and f (CIRC. DG ERIC 17/2020)

Yes. Based on DPCM 169/2019, art. 15, paragraph 2, letters b and f, the DG ERIC assesses and authorises training activities sponsored by central and sub-central Institutes of the MiC. It is the responsibility of the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes to award CFCs also for training courses organised by the central and sub-central Institutes of the Ministry, authorised in advance by the same Directorate.

Yes. The DG ERIC authorises initiatives carried out by other public entities or private individuals as long as the training initiatives are carried out at or in collaboration with the central or sub-central Institutes of the MiC.

The new procedure for enrolment-authorisation-certification is in Circ.17/2020, and can be viewed on the DG ERIC site at the following link:

You need to register through the Course portal by clicking the following link: For a complete description of the procedure, see the FAQ: I am an employee of the Ministry of Culture already registered on the Course portal, what is the procedure for enrolling in courses?

Institutes of the MiC intending to organise training activities for internal personnel must send, with adequate advance notice or at least 30 days before the start date of the course, a formal request for authorisation to the DG ERIC (, to the Director General of the DG ERIC, to the Director of Service I – Office of Studies, with indications related to: typology, title, duration, and structure, audience, time offered, and course programme. Following authorisation by the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes, the training proposal will be entered into the Course portal and the registration timeframe exclusively for the personnel identified by the sponsoring Institute begins.

The issuance of the certificate of participation with recognition of relevant continuing education credits is done by this Directorate General.

The issuance of the certificate of participation with recognition of relevant training credits is done by this Directorate General. After receiving lists of participants from the sponsoring Institute and the subsequent data processing, certificates will be available, in the user’s profile on the Course portal, in the section “Applications sent electronically”, by clicking on il course code and downloading the PDF attachment.

The MiC Institute that sponsored the course, within fifteen days of the course’s closing date, sends the list of actual participants with a registered note to the address It is not necessary to forward the signature page of trainees. This can be kept on file by the Institute itself. N.B. Failure to submit the above list within the stipulated time will prevent the issuance of certificates to the trainees of the offending Institutes.

For information related to the procedural process and the use of the Course portal, write to the address:

For technical/IT assistance related to the Course portal, the contact is:


Participation in continuing education courses is free of charge for employees of Public Administrations. For employees of private companies, participation in the course requires the payment of an individual enrolment fee to be paid by the private entity the trainee belongs to.

To apply to participate in a course, you must first register from the Your SNA area Application to the course can be done by clicking on the green button (Open Applications), found in each edition of the course, before the indicated deadline, by entering your credentials. The red button (Closed applications) does not allow you to apply.

To register, you need to access the Your SNA area and fill out the form, following the instructions. For registration, you must use your institutional email address (not private). SNA does not allow course participation in a personal capacity. The Administration (or Private Individual) of reference must be registered in advance.

The National Administration School trains officers and directors. The officer applicant, upon enrolment, must already have acquired the authorization of the competent Director, which must be sent to the training contact person (Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes); the Director applicant must send notice of his/her own application. The email address to refer to is:

It is necessary to download the registration form for Public Administrations and private individuals found on the Home Page of the SNA website, in a box on the lower right, fill out all the fields, and send it to the email address:

The application does not guarantee participation in the course. The admission process involves, first of all, approval of the application by the training contact person of the Administration (Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes) and then selection by SNA. Before coming to the course location (when it is in person), make sure that you have received the convocation email from SNA.

You must contact the contact person in your administration (Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes), who will arrange for your application to be entered in the portal.

If you no longer remember your password, it is possible to select the "Reset Password" option from the main menu, or from the login page. After inputting your tax code, the system will generate a new password (to be changed), sent to the email address connected to the tax code given.

The virtual classroom can be accessed 5 days before the course through SNA’s e-learning platform. The link is on the SNA Home page, in a box in the upper right. To access it, it is necessary to use the same credentials (tax code and password from the registration phase) used to access the “Your SNA” area.

In order to be awarded a certificate, you must be absent for no more than 20% of the total duration of the course, regardless of the reason. Completion of a satisfaction survey is also required. The certificate is available in “Your SNA”, the Courses Attended section, within 30 days after the conclusion of the course.

Satisfaction surveys are available in the virtual area associated with the course and take only a few minutes to complete.


Yes, it is necessary to send a note to the attention of the Director General in accordance with the provisions of D.P.C.M. 169/2019, Art. 15, paragraph 2, letters b) and f).

No, continuing education credits are indicated and recognised only for courses for personnel of the Ministry of Culture.

The MIUR directive (Prot. n. 170 dated 21.03.2016) regulates the methods of accreditation, qualification, and recognition of courses proposed by entities offering training to school personnel.

No, by extension of the provisions of article 1 c.5 and c.7, all the Institutes of the Ministry of Culture are per se qualified subjects for the training of school teaching staff.

To foster and recognise the encounter between training supply and demand, the Ministry of Education established the S.O.F.I.A. Platform – Operational System for Teacher Training and Update Initiatives ( The platform allows for the official recognition of courses and allows teachers to choose from training initiatives sponsored by schools and by all entities accredited/qualified by the Ministry of Education in accordance with the Directive MIUR n. 170/2016. The tax code to be entered in the initial registration phase on the online Platform must belong to the person who will later handle the paperwork for the per se qualified individual.

Yes, to facilitate the use of the bonus assigned each year to teachers for updating and training, a specific portal has been activated: Teacher’s Charter ( For the Ministry of Culture, MiC Institutes with financial and accounting autonomy can independently register on the Teacher’s Charter portal.


N.B.: The following information was taken from the INPS website.

“PA Value” is a programme that allows Public Administrations to join training initiatives identified by INPS. These training initiatives were configured as a result of a procedure to select and search for university training courses, offered by Italian universities in collaboration with public or private entities, made known through the publication of an annual call for proposals on the INPS institutional website.

The goal is to train by formulating a concrete project which, besides including different professional experiences, can take account of the need Administrations have for coordination, not only to avoid duplicating activities, but also to create synergy and maximise outcomes in the interest of citizens. The model aims to strengthen the network between Public Administrations and multi-stakeholder centres in providing welfare services, able to make the best use of financial and organisational resources to simplify how benefits are accessed and apply criteria of equity and transparency.

Participation in the training courses is:
• aimed at employees in public administration, enrolled in Unitary Management of Credit and Social Benefits and in Magisterial Assistance Management, that is, aimed at professional personnel intending to develop or enhance knowledge and skills for their professional growth or to explore specific topics in depth; • also open to other personnel, not enrolled in the Unitary Management of Credit and Social Benefits. In this case, the participant, i.e., the Administration to which the participant belongs, is responsible for the cost of the course, with no burden or liability for INPS.
• rivolta ai dipendenti della pubblica amministrazione, iscritti alla Gestione Unitaria delle prestazioni creditizie e sociali e alla Gestione Assistenza Magistrale ovvero rivolta a personale già professionalizzato che intenda sviluppare o potenziare conoscenze e competenze utili per la propria crescita professionale ovvero approfondire tematiche specifiche;
• aperta anche ad altro personale, non iscritto alla Gestione unitaria prestazioni creditizie e sociali. In tal caso il costo del corso sarà a carico del partecipante, ovvero a carico dell’Amministrazione di appartenenza con esclusione di ogni onere o responsabilità per l’INPS.

INPS is fully responsible for “PA Value” and provides for the coverage of the cost of participation in courses. INPS commits to sustaining the cost of the course for each participant by paying it to the proponents, excluding any reimbursement for expenses incurred for food, lodging, and/or transportation.

The “PA Value” programme consists of several phases:
• acceptance and identification of the training needs of Public Administrations;
• search and selection of training courses with universities and other so-called “proponent” entities;
• identification of courses for which participation of those enrolled in the Unitary Management of Credit and Social Benefits will be financed by INPS;
• course offerings and enrolment of participants;
• signing of a Convention between the Institute and proponent entities of the courses chosen by participants;
• start of courses;
• monitoring of the training efficacy of the initiatives undertaken.
• adesione e rilevazione del fabbisogno formativo a cura delle pubbliche amministrazioni;
• procedura di ricerca e selezione dei corsi di formazione con le Università e altri soggetti cosiddetti “proponenti”;
• individuazione di corsi la cui partecipazione degli iscritti alla Gestione Unitaria Prestazione Creditizia e Sociale sarà finanziata dall’INPS;
• offerta dei corsi e iscrizione dei partecipanti;
• sottoscrizione di una Convenzione tra l’Istituto e i soggetti proponenti i corsi scelti dagli iscritti;
• avvio dei corsi;
• monitoraggio risultati dell’efficacia formativa delle iniziative intraprese.

Courses are held by universities, sometimes in collaboration with external entities that present training offerings.

Alongside the publication of the Notice of selection of courses, INPS will publish a list of Administrations participating in the project, in order to give the proponent entities, like universities and others, the possibility to create targeted training proposals that take the needs expressed and local needs into account. A list of Administrations participating in the professional training courses is published in the appropriate section of the INPS website. MiC’S ROLE
The MiC, as Public Administration, through all its Institutes, can join the programme in accordance with the timeframes and procedures determined by INPS and indicated in the annual calls for applicants.

The publication of the call ‘PA VALUE – NOTICE TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS – TRAINING COURSES – determines the start of procedures for joining INPS “PA Value” courses.

Institutes of Administrations that have already joined previous editions of “PA Value” are already enabled to access the new procedure. Others will have to request to be enabled for electronic services by filling out the form RA013 “Request to be enabled for electronic services – Public Employee management: Social Benefits”, then submitting it to the Regional Directorate/City Coordinating Directorate responsible. The form can be downloaded from the site, by typing “RA013” into the search engine. The procedure is carried out through a professional expressly named by each MiC Institute. To that end, the operator must fill out and submit the form RA013 to INPS, to obtain consent to proceed, through which they can begin the procedures called for. Following this process by INPS, the operator will have to log in – authenticating with SPID/CIE/CNS credentials – to the dedicated area ‘Public Employee Management: services for Administrations and Entities – PA Value Management’.

Institutes of the MiC intending to join the “PA Value” programme:
• must arrange for a survey of their training needs, indicating the subject areas where they believe training is appropriate
• can express their training needs with respect to “Subject Areas” of the sector, communicated in coherence with “Lines of Development” of the Public Administration and with resulting “Strategic Objectives”, overseen by specific outcome indicators (attached)

It is necessary to:
• report two subject areas of particular interest through the online service of the INPS website
• quantify the need by indicating the number of people it would be ideal to train in that specific subject area, indicating those of greatest interest.

The identification of participants for courses accredited by INPS is determined entirely by the Public Administration to which they belong, based on work performed and in synergy with the universities and entities involved in the training initiative, who will draw the greatest benefit from the training activity, for themselves and for the Administration to which they belong.

Yes, it is necessary to respect the following criteria regarding the relationship between the number of tenured employees in service at the public administration in a regional/metropolitan area and the maximum number of participants in the training course for each topic at each level, according to the table in the call:
• Up to 50 employees - Max 2 participants
• From 51 to 100 employees - Max 3 participants
• From 101 to 500 employees - Max 4 participants
• Over 500 employees - Max 6 participants

Institutes of the MiC adhering to the “PA Value” programme can include – in the specific area on the INPS website – the names of participants in relation to the subject area of interest. By virtue of the commitment made, the Institutes, by joining the project/programme, will have to guarantee the course participation of the number of participants enrolled for each subject area in this phase.

Yes, no later than the deadlines specified in the formal communication: see the call.

After communicating their participation to their Administration, they must enter the INPS website to choose universities to provide the courses. If an enrolled employee fails to make a choice, the spot available for the connected Administration will be lost.

Yes, if the universities in the regional/metropolitan area of reference offer a number of courses above the number of initiatives held to be financeable by the Assessment Committee. Courses are selected by the participants identified by the Public Administrations directly.

To make these choices, course participants must indicate their preferred course(s) through access with the electronic authentication tools currently used to access the services offered on the INPS portal.

Yes, each MiC Institute should inform its employees about the need to arrange to get access credentials in a timely fashion, if they don’t already have them.

Course topics, proposed by universities and related entities, are developed within general themes, taking training needs expressed by all administrations participating in the initiative into account.

Training initiatives can be of:
• medium complexity (first level)
• advanced training (second level type A and second level type B)

Training initiatives of medium complexity (first level) are performed through:
• in-person lessons
Advanced training initiatives (second level) can have two modes:
• in-person lessons
• courses created with the learning by doing methodology.
In the second case, the training is carried out by helping design an innovative model to manage public services, in collaboration between Public Administrations. If the conditions for in-person lessons are not present, the Institute will allow the use of distance learning methods, based on the indications that will be provided at the appropriate time. Classes can be divided into working groups coordinated by the universities with the idea of networking between Public Administrations, respecting the specific features of each Administration.

The teaching aims at developing skills, and above all at refining the use of professional tools and methods, using project activities on the ground and practical testing in real-life situations, with testimonials and discussion of business cases. Participants in the training course will be able to formulate, before the start of the course and using the methods indicated by the university, inquiries on the topics discussed, which will then be explored during the training course.

The teaching material provided for first- and second-level courses, all the projects envisaged, and reports on the role of each Administration, will be made available to INPS and all the Administration members of “PA Value”, attached them to the appropriate procedure. For three months after the training course, teachers will ensure that course participants receive advice and answers to any questions about the topics discussed.

Each course has a minimum and maximum number of participants:
• for first-level courses: min. 20 – max. 50
• for second-level courses (type A): min. 20 – max. 50
• for second-level courses (type B): min. 10 – max. 25
Each course has a minimum and maximum number of participants set by the relevant table in the call. INPS does not sustain the cost of courses with a number of participants under the minimum set.

No, each employee can only participate in one of the training courses proposed in the regional/metropolitan area where he/she is in service.

If the number of participants in the training initiative overall is more than the number of spaces available, the Institute may ask the universities and related entities to implement more editions of the same course, or the preparation of a selection process, at the expense and under the direction of the university, to choose the actual participants through meritocratic methods.

Training courses that are:

  • first level
  • second level type A

involve traditional lessons in the classroom and can last 40, 50 or 60 total hours.

  • second level, type B

will be organised through learning by doing for a minimum duration of 80 hours of group work. The sponsoring party must determine the main lines of the project to carry out.

Employees, identified by the administrations, can only participate in training courses planned in the region of Service. Courses may take place at locations of the university, of the Public Administrations involved, or INPS. The venue for the course can be identified from among those provided by the sponsoring party, the Public Administrations participating in the initiative, if available, or INPS, subject to authorisation by the Regional Director or City Coordinating Director with jurisdiction.

If employees enrolled in a course, even if the university has been chosen, are not able to participate in the training initiative, their Administration can provide for their replacement within the established timeframe and, in any case, before any selections made by the university and made necessary in the case of high number of participants (over 50), or before the activation of courses, if the selections are not made.

No, cancellations are not reversible, so the candidate cannot take over as a substitute in any other course. Candidates substituting the cancelling party should be provided with access credentials to the INPS site in a timely manner. At the conclusion of the course, each candidate will have access to the specific course to confirm the presences/absences recorded by the proponent entity. In case of early withdrawal from the courses, cancellations, or loss of space availability because of a failure to make a choice, the Institute reserves the right to exclude the Administration involved from later editions of the project, considering the number of defections in relation to the number of participants identified.

Only if the number of potential participants is greater than the maximum number of those admitted in the various course levels, there may be a selection test, at the expense and under the direction of the university, to choose the actual participants through meritocratic methods. At the conclusion of the second level course, each participant, subject to the institutional constraints of the Administration to which he or she belongs, is required to prepare a report with a detailed explanation of the role he or she should play in the project to be carried out in the network. The participant must emphasise the advantages of the project for his or her Administration, in terms of saving resources, increased quality of service provided to citizens, implementation of overall services, and potential impact on the social context.

INPS also reserves the right to administer questionnaires aimed at supporting outcome indicators and verifying whether strategic objectives have been reached. Results will be aggregated, made anonymous, and used only to improve later editions of the “PA Value” programme. Administrations should make participants aware of this. INPS reserves the right to verify, periodically and at the end of the course, through its own form and on a sample basis, opinions and assessments expressed by participants.

The conclusion of the course, at the sole discretion of the various sponsoring parties and not of the MiC Institute to which they belong, could allow for the granting of a number of educational credits (CFUs), commensurate with the actual commitment required.

You can contact the Regional Directorate INPS and the City Coordinating Director with jurisdiction. For all the information on the project and on ways to join, refer the INPS website. The notice is posted at the following link:

Last updated: 30 November 2022