IV National Plan for Cultural Heritage Education 2021

Publication date: 17/11/21

Last updated: 21/12/22

immagine che contiene testo: Piano Nazionale per l'educazione al patrimonio 2021

Within the framework of its institutional responsibilities, having heard the opinion of the Superior Council for Cultural and Landscape Heritage, the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture publishes the fourth National Plan for Cultural Heritage Education 2021.

The Plan emphasizes the rustrategic tool of heritage education in a perspective of recovery and cultural, economic and social restart of the country; promotes the relaunch of educational actions around three strategic axes: Accessibility/Cohesion; Innovation/Creativity; Cooperation/Subsidiarity.

Wide presentation, in this fourth edition, of current scenario on cultural and educational policies in recent years to provide tools for updating the guidelines on the subject, at an international, European and national level.

Goals and actions

The vision they general goals they aim to: promote the role of cultural heritage education by orienting actions towards criteria of social responsibility and civil involvement; contribute to consolidating the internal and external collaborative networks of the Ministry to encourage participation and cultural sharing; support sector choices through the implementation of processes for the acquisition, analysis and dissemination of qualitative and quantitative data.

Four intervention lines they then identify the operational areas aimed at achieving each objective and represent the main implementation tool:

  • Educational design
  • Training activity
  • Digital enhancement
  • Accessibility improvement

The plan also includes system actions, as

DG-ERIC Circular n. 36 – 2021 PNE 2021

National Plan for Heritage Education 2021

release date: November 9, 2021