
Young European Heritage Makers, annunciati i progetti selezionati!

Il 24 marzo alle 10 presso la sede del Consiglio d’Europa a Strasburgo si terrà la premiazione del concorso Young European Heritage Makers Competition, che …

Events, Service I, All news 22 Mar 2023

Dantedì, 25 marzo 2023 Giornata nazionale dedicata a Dante Alighieri

Il 25 marzo è il Dantedì, la Giornata nazionale dedicata a Dante Alighieri. La data è considerata dagli studiosi del poeta toscano come l’inizio del …

Events, ICG extension, All news 22 Mar 2023

"Immediati Dintorni" exhibition at the Central Institute for Graphics

It opens on March 2023 at the Central Institute for Graphics (ICG) the exhibition "Immediati Dintorni", curated by Michela Becchis and Gabriella Bocconi and dedicated to the engravings by Maria Pina Bentivenga and Mei Chen Tseng.


Open day at the Central Institute for the pathology of archives and books

Friday 31 March 2023 from 14.30 to 17.00 the School of Advanced Training and Study for Restorers of cultural heritage of the Central Institute for the pathology of archives and books (ICPAL) …


Open day at the Central Institute for the pathology of archives and books

Friday 31 March 2023 from 14.30 to 17.00 the School of Advanced Training and Study for Restorers of cultural heritage of the Central Institute for the pathology of archives and …

Education, Events, All news 2 Mar 2023

The Ministry of Culture at the Didacta Italia fair in Florence from 8 to 10 March

The Ministry of Culture will be present at the Didacta Italia Fair (Florence, Fortezza da Basso 8 – 10 March 2023), the most important trade fair on innovation in the …