National training offer of the MiBACT 2017-2018

Publication date: 6/10/17

Last updated: 21/12/22

Offerta formativa a.s. 2016-2017

The Directorate General, with the support of the Center for Educational Services of the museum and the territory, in collaboration with the National Network of Educational Services, presents the MiBACT national training offer 2017-2018, 1400 educational activities – alternating between school and work, internships, courses, training days, educational paths, workshops, guided tours, cycles of conferences and others – offered, free of charge, by central and peripheral Institutes of the Dicastery, to schools of all types and degree, to teachers, families and all the public, in line with the aims of the undersigned General Management and the indications of the MIUR-MiBACT Memorandum of Understanding (May 28, 2014).

Areas of particular thematic interest for this year are the landscape, the promotion of 'Humanistic Culture', the right of minors to use heritage, paths with 'expanded accessibility', applied digital skills, school-work alternation, l 'European Year of Cultural Heritage and activities for families.