The Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes publishes the Training implementation plan 2021 – 1st quarter 2022 for the staff of Ministry of Culture. The plan is published after acquiring the opinion of the General Management of Organization and the Single Guarantee Committee and informing the trade unions.
The General Management intends to continue the training activities in synergy with the National School of Administration, the General Directorates and the central Institutes of the Ministry, as well as with the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities.
The implementation plan arises from the objectives and guidelines indicated in the Plan of training activitiesresearch and self-assessment 2021-2023: a document of three-year planning of MiC training, research and self-assessment activities, in line with the strategies outlined in the planning phase of the administrative activity and with the institutional objectives of the Ministry.
The goal, in continuity with what was pursued in previous years, is to increase the breadth and variety of the training offer, relativa sia a technical-scientific topics, which a topics of transversal interest, related to emerging issues in the European and national debate, such as, for example:
- ecological transition
- culture of accessibility and skills on the related legal aspects, reception, cultural mediation and promotion
- innovation and digital transition
- organizational well-being and equal opportunities for all workers
The attached catalog shows the courses scheduled for 2022, with extension to the first quarter of 2023, supplemented by the SNA training proposal and organized into three areas: Technical-scientific area; cross-sectional area; Legal and administrative-accounting area.
The planning of the initiatives in the three areas, for a total of 42 courses (excluding SNA initiatives), may also undergo variations due to the emergence of specific training needs.
Useful Documents
All the information on the plan and on the courses are contained in the DG-ERIC circular n.21-2021 and in the attached course catalogue:
DG-ERIC Circular n. 45 dated 7/10/2022
Education Implementation Plan 2022- I term 2023
Course catalogue 2022 – I term 2023
Educational needs outcomes – tab 1
Educational needs outcomes – tab 2