The Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes publishes the 2023 Training Implementation Plan – II and III quarters aimed at the staff of the Ministry of Culture and cultural heritage professionals. The courses in the catalog are also created in collaboration with the General Directorates and central institutes of the Ministry, with the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities and in synergy with the National School of Administration (SNA), with universities, institutes and research bodies.
The planning of the training offer aims at an increase in terms of variety of proposals, both with reference to technical-scientific topics, a specific area of interest of the Ministry of Culture, and with regard to the development of transversal skills. The attention on these issues derives from the reception of the main European and national guidelines, as well as at an administrative level, for a necessary update of the skills of the staff (even newly hired) and takes into account the guidelines contained within the Plan of training activities , research and self-evaluation 2021-2023: a document of three-year planning of the training, research and self-evaluation activities of the MiC, in line with the planning of the administrative activity and the objectives institutions of the Ministry.
The plan also incorporates guidelines, such as, for example:
- the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) of the Minister for Public Administration
- the directive on the training of public administration personnel of the Department of Public Function
- of the Action of address concerning the identification of the political priorities to be implemented in the year 2022 and for the three-year period 2023-2025 of the Minister of Culture
- the Integrated Plan of Activities and Organization (PIAO) of the Ministry of Culture for the three-year period 2023-2025
The main topics addressed
- The digital transition
- The ecological transition
- Emergency management and issues in the legal-administrative field
- Equal opportunities and gender equality
The catalog of activities
The catalog lists both the courses scheduled and already delivered in the second quarter of 2023, and the courses scheduled for the third quarter of 2023, integrated by the SNA training proposal and organized into three areas: Technical-scientific area; Transverse area; Legal and administrative-accounting area.
The programming of the initiatives, for a total of 35 courses (excluding SNA initiatives), may undergo variations due to the emergence of specific training needs.
The identification of training needs
The plan also derives from a statistical survey submitted to ministerial employees to explore their training needs. Therefore, the summary document of the Results and analysis of the training needs survey is an integral part of the training activity plan.
Useful documents
Circolare DGERIC n. 39 del 13 settembre 2023
Piano attuativo della formazione 2023 – II e III quadrimestre
Catalogo dei corsi 2023 – II e III quadrimestre
Documento di sintesi Esiti e analisi della rilevazione dei fabbisogni formativi
Documento esteso Esiti e analisi della rilevazione dei fabbisogni formativi 2023 (pubblicato il 22 settembre 2023)